
*: equal contribution


Xueyue Zhang*, Eunjong Kim*, Daniel K. Mark, Soonwon Choi, Oskar Painter
A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic bandgap metamaterial
Science 379, 278-283 (2023).  [Featured in 연합뉴스]


Vinicius  S. Ferreira*, Jash  Banker*, Alp  Sipahigil, Matthew H. Matheny, Andrew J. Keller, Eunjong Kim, Mohammad  Mirhosseini, and Oskar Painter
Collapse and revival of an artificial atom coupled to a structured photonic reservoir
Physical Review X 11, 041043 (2021).

Eunjong Kim*, Xueyue Zhang*, Vinicius S. Ferreira, Jash Banker, Joseph K. Iverson, Alp Sipahigil, Miguel Bello, Alejandro Gonzalez-Tudela, Mohammad Mirhosseini, Oskar Painter
Quantum electrodynamics in a topological waveguide
Physical Review X 11, 011015 (2021). [Featured as Viewpoint in Physics]


Mohammad Mirhosseini*, Eunjong Kim*, Xueyue Zhang, Alp Sipahigil, Paul B. Dieterle, Andrew J. Keller, Ana Asenjo-Garcia, Darrick E. Chang, and Oskar Painter
Cavity quantum electrodynamics with atom-like mirrors
Nature 569, 692-697 (2019). [Featured in Kavli Nanoscience Institute (KNI), Institute for Quantum Information and Matter (IQIM) news of Caltech]


Mohammad Mirhosseini, Eunjong Kim, Vinicius S. Ferreira, Mahmoud Kalaee, Alp Sipahigil, Andrew J. Keller, and Oskar Painter
Superconducting metamaterials for waveguide quantum electrodynamics
Nature Communications 9, 3706 (2018). [Featured in Caltech News]


Eun-jong Kim, J. R. Johansson, and Franco Nori
Circuit analog of quadratic optomechanics
Physical Review A 91, 033835 (2015).