Quantum Device Lab @ SNU
We are a new experimental research group in the Department of Physics & Astronomy at Seoul National University (SNU), led by Prof. Eunjong Kim.
Our group studies novel physical phenomena by using engineered quantum systems based on superconducting electrical circuits, a powerful platform for quantum computation and quantum information research.
We employ high-fidelity control over individual quantum degrees of freedom (qubits) to study fundamental topics including but not limited to quantum optics, topological physics, and quantum many-body physics. Our goal is to make important contributions to the emerging field of Quantum Science and Technology.
Photo: A quantum device (bottom left) installed inside a dilution refrigerator
Photo: A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic-bandgap metamaterial
Open Positions
We are looking for highly motivated students and postdocs interested in experimental quantum information science and quantum computation. If you are interested in joining us, please send your inquiry to eunjongkim (at) snu.ac.kr.
We invite postdoctoral researchers with backgrounds in Condensed Matter Physics or AMO Physics. Expertise in quantum information science, condensed matter physics, micro/nano-fabrication, or cryogenics is desired.
Graduate Students
We have openings for graduate students pursuing integrated MS-PhD degrees. Students interested in joining our group are encouraged to contact the PI with his/her CV, academic transcript, and a brief description of background and research interests.
NOTE: No experimental research experience required.
양자 정보 과학에 관심있는 대학원생(석박통합과정)을 수시로 모집합니다. 관심있는 학생들은 김은종 교수에게 이력서, 성적증명서, 연구 경험 및 관심 연구 주제와 함께 연락 주세요.
🔥 2024년 대학원 합격자 간담회 연구실 소개 자료: [Link]
Undergraduate Students
There are exciting opportunities for undergraduate research in our group—both in theory and experiment. Students with backgrounds in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Material Science, or Computer Science are encouraged to contact the PI with CV and a list of courses taken. We are specifically interested in hiring undergraduate students who will potentially pursue doctoral research in our group.
학부생이 연구에 참여할 수 있는 다양한 이론, 실험 프로젝트가 있습니다 (물리학 전공뿐만 아니라, 전자 공학, 재료 공학, 컴퓨터 공학 등 다른 전공 학생들도 환영합니다). 관심있는 학생들은 김은종 교수에게 (간략한) 이력서, 수강 과목 목록과 함께 연락 주세요. 특히, 졸업 후 저희 연구실에 석박통합과정 대학원생으로 들어와 지속적인 연구를 할 수 있는 학부생을 구합니다.
🧑🍼 List of Available Undergraduate Research Projects (참여 가능 학부생 연구 프로젝트 목록): [Link]
A gentle introduction to quantum information and quantum computation, related to our research:
고등과학원 HORIZON: 연재글 양자컴퓨터 (by Prof. Isaac H. Kim).
고등과학원 HORIZON: 초전도 양자컴퓨터의 물리적 구현 (by Prof. Yosep Kim)
Introduction to superconducting quantum circuits for quantum computation (YouTube lecture videos):
Alexandre Blais (USherbrooke): "Quantum Computing with Superconducting Qubits," CSSQI (2012). [Part 1] [Part 2]
Andreas Wallraff (ETH Zurich): "Superconducting Qubits," QCHS Summer School (2021). [Link]
William Oliver (MIT): "Quantum Engineering of Superconducting Qubits," Qiskit Quantum Seminar (2020). [Link]
Rob Schoelkopf (Yale): "Experimental Platforms: Superconducting Circuit," RQS Summer School (2023). [Link]