

Nouwakpo S.K., D. Toledo, M. Sanderson, M. Weltz. Understanding the Effects of Grazing and Prescribed fire on Hydrology of Kentucky Bluegrass Dominated Rangelands in the Northern Great Plains. In Review, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.

Williams, C. J., F.B. Pierson, S.K. Nouwakpo, O.Z. Al-Hamdan, P.R. Kormos, M.A. Weltz. Effectiveness of prescribed fire to re-establish sagebrush steppe vegetation and ecohydrologic function on woodland-encroached sagebrush rangelands, Great Basin, USA: Part I: Vegetation, hydrology, and erosion responses. (Accepted, Catena).

Nouwakpo, S.K., C.J. Williams, F.B. Pierson, M.A. Weltz, A. Arslan, O.Z. Al-Hamdan. Effectiveness of prescribed fire to re-establish sagebrush steppe vegetation and ecohydrologic function on woodland-encroached sagebrush rangelands, Great Basin, USA: Part II: Runoff and Sediment Transport at the Patch scale. (In review Catena).

Nouwakpo, S.K., M.A. Weltz, C.H. Green, A. Arslan. 2018. Process-based modeling of infiltration, soil loss and dissolved solids on saline and sodic soils. Transactions of ASABE 61(3).

Nouwakpo, S.K., M.A. Weltz, C.H. Green. A. Arslan. 2018. Combining 3D data and traditional soil erosion assessment techniques to study the effect of a vegetation cover gradient on hillslope runoff and soil erosion in a semi-arid catchment. Catena. 170:129-140 (doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2018.06.009)

Nouwakpo, S.K., J. Song, J. Gonzalez. 2018. Soil structural stability assessment with the fluidized bed, aggregate stability, and rainfall simulation on long-term tillage and crop rotation systems. Soil and Tillage Research. 178: 65-71. (doi: 10.1016/j.still.2017.12.009)

Hernandez, M., Nearing, M.A., Al‐Hamdan, O.Z., Pierson, F.B., Armendariz, G., Weltz, M.A., Spaeth, K.E., Williams, C.J., Nouwakpo, S.K., Goodrich, D.C. and Unkrich, C.L. 2017. The rangeland hydrology and erosion model: A dynamic approach for predicting soil loss on rangelands. Water Resources Research, 53(11), pp.9368-9391.

Al-Hamdan, O.Z., F. Pierson, M. Nearing, C.J. Williams, M. Hernandez, J. Boll, S.K. Nouwakpo, M. Weltz, K. Spaeth. 2017. Developing a Parameterization Approach of Soil Erodibility for the Rangeland and Hydrology Erosion Model. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(1): 85-94. (doi: 10.13031/trans.11559)

Williams, C.J., Pierson, F.B., Spaeth, K.E., Brown, J.R., Al-Hamdan, O.Z., Weltz, M.A., Nearing, M.A., Herrick, J.E., Boll, J., Robichaud, P.R., Goodrich, D.C., Heilman, P., Guertin, D.P., Hernandez, M., Wei, H., Polyakov, V.O., Armendariz, G., Nouwakpo, S.K., Hardegree, S.P., Clark, P.E., Strand, E.K., Bates, J.D., Metz, L.J., Nichols, M.H., 2016. Application of Ecological Site Information to Transformative Changes on Great Basin Sagebrush Rangelands. Rangelands 38, 379-388.

Cadaret, E.M., McGwire, K.C., Nouwakpo, S.K., Weltz, M.A., Saito, L., 2016a. Vegetation canopy cover effects on sediment erosion processes in the Upper Colorado River Basin Mancos Shale formation, Price, Utah, USA. CATENA 147, 334-344.

Cadaret, E.M., Nouwakpo, S.K., McGwire, K.C., Weltz, M.A., Blank, R.R., 2016b. Experimental investigation of the effect of vegetation on soil, sediment erosion, and salt transport processes in the Upper Colorado River Basin Mancos Shale formation, Price, Utah, USA. CATENA 147, 650-662.

Nouwakpo, S.K., K. McGwire, M.A. Weltz, O.Z. Al-Hamdan, C.J. Williams. 2016. Insight into sediment transport processes on saline rangeland hillslopes using three-dimensional soil microtopography changes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms doi:10.1002/esp.4013.

Sayjro K. Nouwakpo, Christopher J. Williams, Osama Z. Al-Hamdan, Mark A. Weltz, Fred Pierson, Mark Nearing, A review of concentrated flow erosion processes on rangelands: Fundamental understanding and knowledge gaps, International Soil and Water Conservation Research, Volume 4, Issue 2, June 2016, Pages 75-86, ISSN 2095-6339,

Nouwakpo, S.K., M.A. Weltz, M. Hernandez, T. Champa, J. Fisher. 2016. Performance of the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model for runoff and erosion assessment on a semiarid reclaimed construction site. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71(3):220-236 doi:10.2489/jswc.71.3.220

Nouwakpo, S.K., M.A. Weltz, K. McGwire. 2016. Assessing the performance of structure-from-motion photogrammetry and terrestrial LiDAR for reconstructing soil surface microtopography of naturally vegetated plots. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 41(3):308-322 doi:10.1002/esp.3787.

Weltz, M.A., K. Spaeth, M.H. Taylor, K. Rollins, F. Pierson, L. Jolley, M. Nearing, S.K. Nouwakpo. 2014. Cheatgrass invasion and woody species encroachment in the great basin: benefits of conservation. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation doi:10.2489/jswc.69.2.39A

Nouwakpo, S., M.R. James, M. Weltz, C. Huang, I. Chagas, L. Lima. 2014. Evaluation of Structure from Motion for soil microtopography measurement. Photogrammetric Record 29:147:297-316

Strohmeier, S., S. Nouwakpo, A. Klik, C. Huang. Flume experimental evaluation of the effect of rill flow path tortuosity on rill roughness based on the Manning-Strickler equation. Catena doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2014.01.011

Nouwakpo, S., C. Huang, M.A. Weltz, F. Pimenta, I. Chagas, L. Lima. 2014. Using fluidized bed and flume experiments to quantify cohesion development from aging and drainage. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 39:6:749-757

Nouwakpo, S., C. Huang. 2012. The role of subsurface hydrology in soil erosion and channel network development on a laboratory hillslope. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 4: 1197-1211

Nouwakpo, S., C. Huang. 2012. A fluidized bed technique for estimating soil critical shear stress. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 4: 1192-1196

Nouwakpo, S., C. Huang. 2012. A simplified close range photogrammetric technique for soil erosion assessment. Soil Science Society of America Journal 76: 70-84.

Nouwakpo, S., C. Huang, L. Bowling, P. Owens. 2010. Impact of vertical hydraulic gradient on rill erodibility and critical shear stress. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74: 1914-1921. Featured in the Dec 2010 issue of CSA news magazine page 12.

Non Peer-reviewed

USDA Internet tool to estimate runoff and soil loss on rangelands: Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model. 2015. Weltz, M.A., S.K. Nouwakpo, et al. Progressive Rancher November/December 2015 Issue page 24-25.

Gagnon, S. R., Sears, J. R. L., Makuch, J. R., Rossi, C. G., Nouwakpo, S., Weltz, M. A., Frasier, G. 2015. Salinity Mobilization and Transport: Hydrologic and Aeolian Processes and Remediation Techniques for Rangelands. National Agricultural Library – USDA (in press)

Weltz, M. A., S. Nouwakpo, C. G. Rossi, L. Jolley, G. Frasier. 2014. Salinity mobilization and transport from rangelands: assessment, recommendations, and knowledge gaps. USDA- Agricultural Research Service General Technical Report 1. Reno, Nevada.