Black Panther

What is Snoop Dogg Doing At A Black Panther Event?

Appearing at a movie showing, microphone in hand, he congratulates Fred T Joseph on his performance.

"All children deserve to feel like they can save the world." -

Marvel & Snoop- Doing a wonderful job at masking the old 'Black Panther' Group.

Let's face it. Why else would a movie company be naming their movie after an infamous group that explains very well -

If you don't believe me, just Google 'black panthers.' What used to be a black power movement has been replaced with a movie. This is a very real move to mask the old, with the new. People looking for this group will have to dig deeper, causing the group to naturally lose their search volume because most people don't leave the first page of Google. +1 for Marvel. -1 for the terror group.