
Academic Projects

1) Ph.D. Thesis (IIT Bombay)

Topic:- Assessment of Impacts of Agro-Climatological Droughts Using Remote Sensing and Geo-Spatial Technologies

Objectives: -

  • Long-term trend analysis of meteorological, agricultural, and hydrological drought indicators to assess the spatial and temporal drought variability.

  • Development of Combined Drought Index (CDI_M) for agro-climatological drought monitoring over Marathwada.

  • To understand and predict the impacts of agro-climatological droughts on crop yield and its relation to groundwater changes.

  • To identify the high-risk drought-prone areas and drought vulnerability over the districts of Marathwada.

2) Masters Project (ITC, the Netherlands)

Topic: Mapping Trends and Abrupt Break Points in European Temperature and Phenological Datasets.

Overview: -

  • In this study ‘Spring Index’ was used as an ‘aggregator’ of temperature data that captures phenological changes over time.

  • BFAST programming algorithm in R statistical software was used for computational work and data analysis.

3) MSc Dissertation (Dept. of Geography, University of Pune)

Topic: Comparative Study of Rain Trends in Konkan Goa and Marathwada Meteorological Subdivisions of India.

Overview: -

  • Rain trends over respective areas (Linear Trend analysis with statistics-graphs, relations, statistical formulas and statistical programming in MSExcel and SPSS)

  • Comparison in Rain trends (Use of Mann-Kendal test, Sequential Mann- Kendall Test, Coefficient of variation (CV), Moving averages, Correlation test)

4) Hiring / Project Assistant (Dept. of Geography, University of Pune)

  • Topic: Trends in discomfort Indices (HI, THI) over the western coastal cities of India (Sep 2014 – Jul 2016 )

  • Topic: A pilot study of drought occurrences using various indices (Jul 2013 – Sept 2013 )

Highlight:- Best Paper award at the National Symposium, IITM, Pune, India