Welcome to SMSP

What is SMSP?

Springhouse Middle School Partnership (SMSP) - often just called “the Partnership”-is the school’s parent teacher organization. The Partnership plays a vital role in supporting school needs. We provide grant monies for author visits; field trips; scholarships to alumni seniors; prizes for the ARP auction and school-wide treats for teachers and students. We also provide volunteers to serve at special events like Game Night, the 8th grade celebration, and field days. Additionally, volunteers run the fall and spring book fairs and assist teachers with their photocopy needs. In a new

signature project, the Partnership is currently securing funds to create a new outdoor classroom space for our students.

SMSP meets monthly on the First Tuesday at 9:00 AM in the cafeteria. Join us for an update from the Principal and find out how we enhance our children's school experience.

The next few months are filled with lots of great activities. Please join us and see how you can help!

Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser: orders are due on 3/7

Spring Book Fair: 3/14 - 3/18

Game Night/Dance: 3/18

Car Wash Fundraiser: orders due on 3/18

Staff Appreciation Luncheon: Date TBD

ARP Auction: 5/20 - donations of prizes needed

IronPigs Night: 5/29 - volunteers needed to work the concession stand, teens 15 and up welcomed

8th Grade Celebration: 6/3