Somerset Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc. (SMSF)

The Somerset Memorial Scholarship Fund, Inc. is a beacon of hope for graduates of Somerset High School, offering scholarships that brighten their academic futures.


Established in 1985: A legacy of commitment for nearly four decades.

State Recognition: A proud non-profit organization.

Dedicated Leadership: Managed and operated by an uncompensated board of directors and elected officers.

Beyond SMSF Scholarships: We not only grant our own scholarships but also oversee the awarding of others gifted by organizations or families in memory of their cherished ones.

Consistent Giving: We have annually awarded tens of thousands of dollars in scholarships to nearly 50 Somerset High School graduates per year since our inception.

Application available via Google Classroom on November 1 of each year.

Rubric here

The application window is now closed.

Scholarship recipients, click here to access information about receiving your scholarship money. Any questions, please contact or
