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Brazil, April, 1999

I took a vacation on April, 1999 in Brazil. I had been to only two countries, Japan and the US before this trip, and there is a different atmosphere from those two countries. (I went also to Paraguai and Arsentine). For Japan, Brazil is the fartest country in the world, but there are many Japanese immigrants in Brazil especially in Sao Paulo. Japanese-Brazilians took care of me very much, I had many funs there and I safely returned to the US, thanks to them. Little people can speak English in Brazil (even at the CITIBANK in Sao Paulo!). Although Brazil has a ecomonical problem and the difference between the richest and poorest is much larger than in Japan, there are a lot of marvelous fruits and foods. Due to the value of Brazilian currency lower on the early 1999, for travelers Brazilian goods are much cheaper and there is increase of travelers from abroads to Brazil. 

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〒310-8512 茨城県水戸市文京2-1-1 

茨城大学 化学コース・学際理学コース担当


量子線科学専攻   森 聖治

E-mail : seiji.mori.compchem[at]