What Are the 5 Things That Motivate ADHD?

Understanding the factors that motivate individuals with ADHD is crucial for supporting their well-being and success. As an ADHD psychiatrist, I recognize the significance of identifying these driving forces to foster focus, productivity, and overall satisfaction. In this blog post, we will explore the 5 key things that motivate ADHD individuals and how to approach chores in an ADHD-friendly manner. Let's uncover the driving forces and empower individuals with ADHD to thrive.

1. Novelty and Excitement

ADHD individuals are often motivated by novelty and excitement:

- Embrace New Challenges

Encourage trying new activities and taking on challenges to maintain engagement.

- Creative Solutions

Allow for creative solutions and alternate approaches to tasks to keep the spark alive.

- Goal Setting

Set clear and attainable goals to fuel the excitement of achievement.

2. Immediate Rewards

Immediate rewards play a significant role in motivating individuals with ADHD:

- Break Tasks into Smaller Steps

Divide tasks into smaller, manageable steps with rewards for completing each step.

- Timed Tasks

Use timers to create a sense of urgency and reward completion within a set timeframe.

- Celebrate Achievements

Celebrate achievements promptly to reinforce positive behavior.

3. Interest and Passion

Passion and interest drive motivation in individuals with ADHD:

- Pursue Personal Interests

Encourage pursuing hobbies and interests that spark passion and enthusiasm.

- Tailored Learning

Implement personalized learning approaches that cater to individual interests.

- Find Meaning in Chores

Help individuals find meaning and purpose in household chores.

4. Supportive Environment

A supportive environment enhances motivation for individuals with ADHD:

- Structured Routines

Establish consistent and structured routines to provide a sense of stability.

- Positive Reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement and encouragement to boost motivation.

- Clear Communication

Maintain clear and open communication to address concerns and celebrate progress.

5. Intrinsic Curiosity

Intrinsic curiosity is a powerful motivator for ADHD individuals:

- Encourage Exploration

Encourage exploring various topics and areas of interest.

- Stimulate Curiosity

Provide stimulating and enriching environments to satisfy curiosity.

- Continuous Learning

Support lifelong learning to keep the flame of curiosity burning.

ADHD Approach to Chores

Approaching chores with ADHD requires understanding and adaptability:

- Prioritize Tasks

Prioritize chores based on importance and urgency.

- Break Tasks Down

Break chores down into smaller steps to make them more manageable.

- Use Visual Aids

Utilize visual aids and checklists to stay organized and focused.

- Set Time Limits

Set time limits for completing chores to maintain focus and prevent overwhelm.


Understanding the 5 key factors that motivate ADHD individuals empowers them to thrive and achieve their full potential. Embrace novelty, offer immediate rewards, and encourage passion and curiosity to fuel motivation. Create a supportive environment and adopt an ADHD-friendly approach to chores to enhance productivity and satisfaction. Seek professional help at Faith Behavioral Health, where expert guidance and comprehensive support await individuals with ADHD. Embrace the driving forces of motivation and empower individuals with ADHD to lead fulfilling and successful lives.