How an ADHD Psychiatrist Can Help with Social Anxiety in ADHD

Social anxiety is a common disorder that can be triggered and worsened by a number of different factors, including symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). An ADHD psychiatrist can help you understand the root causes of your social anxiety and provide strategies to cope with difficult situations.

What is social Anxiety?

Before diving deep into how an ADHD psychiatrist can help with social anxiety, it's important to understand what social anxiety is. Social anxiety is an intense fear or excessive worry of being judged by others or socially humiliated and embarrassed. It can manifest in different forms ranging from a mild discomfort in social situations to a severe panic attack.

When you are dealing with symptoms of ADHD, social anxiety can be heightened. Symptoms such as inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity can make it hard to focus on conversations or stay calm and collected in social settings.

How is ADHD Linked With Social Anxiety?

ADHD is linked to social anxiety because both disorders share similar symptoms, such as difficulty staying focused or controlling behavior. People with ADHD also tend to be impulsive and lack the ability to regulate their emotions. These traits can make it difficult to interact with others, resulting in increased stress and anxiety in social situations.

In addition, people with  ADHD are also more likely to be over-sensitive to criticism, lack self-confidence and struggle with maintaining relationships. These feelings can all contribute to feelings of social anxiety. In some scenarios it is seen that the more someone is aware of their ADHD symptoms in social situations, the higher their anxiety levels. 

Center of disease control and preventions states that  more than 11% of children 4-17 years in the U.S have been diagnosed with ADHD, and as they get older social anxiety can increase due to their inability to fit in or manage emotions effectively.

How Can an ADHD Psychiatrist Help With Social Anxiety?

If you are the one struggling with ADHD and social anxiety, it is important to recognize the problem and seek professional help. An experienced ADHD psychiatrist can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms and devise an individualized treatment plan to suit your needs best.

A Psychiatrist can also provide creative therapies such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) that focus on changing negative thought patterns, self-defeating behavior and reducing anxiety. Through these therapies, a Psychiatrist can help you build social skills such as making conversation and managing relationships in order to become more confident in public situations.

The goal of any therapy should be to reduce the symptoms and improve your quality of life. An ADHD Psychiatrist can be an invaluable resource to help you cope with your anxiety and build the tools needed to navigate social situations successfully.

Self-Coping Mechanism for ADHD & Social Anxiety

Some individuals practice self -care techniques to help them manage their anxiety. Many individuals follow some self coping mechanisms. Taking time to look after yourself is an important part of managing anxiety and can benefit long-term recovery.

• Practicing deep breathing or positive visualization to relax in stressful situations. 

• Rehearsing conversations ahead of time, so you can better anticipate the flow and responses. 

• Listening carefully when others are speaking and asking questions if needed. 

• Breaking down tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks. 

• Engaging in physical activity to help release tension and stress.

• Practicing positive self-talk and recalling past situations that were successful. 

ADHD Medication and Social Anxiety

Medication is not always the first line of treatment for social anxiety in individuals with ADHD. But when therapy and lifestyle changes aren’t enough to control symptoms, some medications can help. Stimulants are commonly prescribed to help manage ADHD symptoms, but these can also increase alertness and focus which may reduce feelings of social anxiousness.

Non-stimulants, such as atomoxetine are also used to treat ADHD and can improve focus, reduce impulsivity and help calm racing thoughts. However, it is important to work closely with your doctor when considering medication for social anxiety in order to ensure the best possible outcome. 


Social anxiety can be debilitating for individuals with ADHD and should not be ignored. It is important to seek professional help if you are struggling with your social anxiety. An experienced ADHD psychiatrist can provide a comprehensive evaluation of your symptoms and design an individualized treatment plan to best suit your needs. If you are the one who is trying to navigate the symptoms of ADHD, try to seek a professional assistance from Faith Behavioral Health, who provide a comprehensive range of services to individuals with mental health issues. 

Remember, you are not alone and there is help available to support your social anxiety. With the right treatment plan and professional guidance from an ADHD psychiatrist, you can learn to manage your symptoms and live a happy life.