How does Smile Pro Work?

Unlock the secrets of Smile Pro in this comprehensive step-by-step guide to boost your confidence and well-being.

Smile Pro eye surgery, also known as Small Incision Lenticule Extraction, is a minimally invasive laser eye surgery procedure that corrects refractive errors, such as nearsightedness (myopia), by reshaping the cornea, the clear outer layer of the eye. Unlike traditional LASIK surgery, which creates a flap in the cornea, Smile Pro eye procedure working uses a femtosecond laser to make a small incision and extract a lenticule of corneal tissue, reshaping the cornea and improving vision. Unlike traditional LASIK surgery, Smile Pro doesn't involve creating a corneal flap, making it a more comfortable, faster healing, and less risky option for many patients. 

Smile Pro Eye Procedure

Smile Pro Eye Surgery

Smile Pro Procedure

The Smile Pro procedure revolutionizes laser eye treatment, making it even safer, gentler, and faster than ever before. Using a precise laser, a minuscule incision of just 2 millimeters is created in the cornea. Through this keyhole opening, a 3D disc-shaped lenticule is sculpted within the cornea and then gently removed. This minimally invasive approach minimizes disruption to the cornea's structure, leading to a quicker recovery and reduced risk of complications. The entire surgery usually takes around 7-10 seconds per eye.


Dress comfortably for your scheduled procedure. You may eat and drink as usual, but please avoid smoking. To maintain optimal hygiene, thoroughly cleanse your face and remove any makeup. If you wish, a mild sedative will be provided to help you relax before the procedure. 


Recovery and Aftercare

Following the procedure, please avoid rubbing your eyes. It is advisable to wait about three days before engaging in sports activities. Driving is only permitted with prior medical approval, which is typically granted at the weekly check-up.