How much time does Smile Pro and Silk Eye Surgery take?

Explore the duration of Silk eye surgery and Smile Pro – key procedures in modern eye care.

SMILE Pro and Silk Eye Surgery are minimally invasive laser eye surgery procedures that are relatively quick and easy to perform. The duration of each procedure will vary depending on the individual patient and the complexity of their case. However, SMILE Pro and Silk Eye Surgery generally can be completed in less than 1 minute.

The Silk eye surgery typically takes about 22 seconds per eye. However, this can vary depending on the patient's condition and the case's complexity. Similarly, the SMILE Pro procedure is quick, often completed within 7 to 9 seconds per eye. Therefore, both surgeries could be completed in under 10 minute, making them highly efficient options for vision correction. It is important to note that the patient might spend more time in the clinic for pre-op preparation and post-op recovery, but the surgeries themselves are swift processes.

Smile Pro Robotic Surgery

Smile Pro AI Eye Surgery

Duration of Each Eye Procedure

SMILE Pro is typically a very quick and efficient procedure. The laser treatment itself typically takes less than 10 seconds per eye. However, the entire procedure, from start to finish, can take up to a half minute. This includes the time it takes to prepare the patient for surgery, perform the laser treatment, and clean up afterward.

Silk Eye Surgery is relatively quick but may take slightly longer than SMILE Pro. This is because Silk Eye Surgery requires the creation of a corneal flap. The laser treatment itself typically takes only a few minutes per eye, but the entire procedure, from start to finish, can take up to 10 minutes. This includes the time it takes to prepare the patient for surgery, create the corneal flap, perform the laser treatment, suture the corneal flap back into place, and clean up afterward.

Factors that can Affect the Duration of the Eye Procedure

Several factors can affect the duration of both SMILE Pro and Silk Eye Surgery, including:

What to Expect on the day of Eye Surgery?

On the day of your surgery, you will arrive at the surgery center and be checked in by a nurse. The nurse will review your medical history and answer any questions you may have about the procedure. You will then be given a numbing eye drop to prepare your eye for surgery.

Once ready, you will be taken into the operating room and positioned under the laser. The surgeon will then begin the procedure. The laser treatment itself typically takes only a few minutes per eye. After the laser treatment, the surgeon will apply a bandage to your eye and give instructions on how to care for your eye after surgery. You will then be taken to a recovery room where you can rest briefly before discharge.

SMILE Pro and Silk Eye Surgery are relatively quick procedures, with an average duration of less than 10 minutes. It is important to follow all pre-operative and post-operative instructions given. With proper care and follow-up, these procedures can provide long-lasting improvement in vision.

Recovery Time of Eye Surgery

Both SMILE Pro and Silk Eye Surgery have relatively fast recovery times. Most people can return to work or other normal activities within a few days after surgery. However, following your doctor's instructions carefully during your recovery period is important.

If you are considering SMILE Pro or Silk Eye Surgery, talk to your doctor about the risks and benefits of both procedures and what to expect on the day of surgery and during your recovery period. With the proper preparation and aftercare, these procedures can provide excellent results and improve your overall quality of life. So don't hesitate to explore these modern eye care options for yourself!

Regarding the duration of the procedure, SMILE Pro Eye Surgery could be a more attractive option than Silk Eye Surgery. While both procedures are relatively quick, SMILE Pro might have a slight edge due to the absence of a corneal flap creation phase. This translates into fewer steps in the procedure, potentially making it quicker than Silk Eye Surgery. For patients who value speed and efficiency in their vision correction surgery, this could make SMILE Pro the preferred choice, offering a hassle-free and faster vision correction experience.