Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program

**Note: a change in federal administration may result in changes to this program. For now, it  is still in place**

Recently the Biden Administration announced an overhaul to the PSLF program that may allow more people to qualify, even if previously disallowed. 

Do NOT be dissuaded by the language that states you must have "full-time" employment. Multiple (eligible) part-time positions adding up to 30 hours per week still count as "full-time". 

Below is the spreadsheet into which you can enter you weekly hours of assignment (instructional, non-instructional, reassigned time, and head coach recruiting hours) to calculate the "hours of service" that your employment at Santa Monica College is equivalent to for the purpose of applying for the federal "Public Service Loan Forgiveness" program. 

Click on the top right hand corner of the Calculator to open the spreadsheet in a new window. READ all the instructions in the spreadsheet carefully. If you've worked at SMC for a year or more, use the first "ANNUAL PSLF" tab, or if this is your first semester at SMC, use the second "SEMESTER PSLF" tab.

**REMEMBER to check that "0.00" appears in any green text-entry box where you have no assignment. ONLY ENTER NUMBERS IN THE GREEN CELLS!!**

Expanded Public PSLF Hours of Service Calculator

REMEMBER, once you have used the spreadsheet to calculate your hours of service, print the page and attach it to your completed PSLF application before submitting to Human Resources. (As of February 10, 2021, the form should be submitted to . )

If you have questions about this calculator, please contact the Faculty Association at 310-434-4394.