SMAS 2019

October 21 - Los Cabos, Mexico


Automated Driving Empowered by Connectivity

Toktam Mahmoodi, PhD

Centre for Telecommunication Research Department of Engineering, King's College London


Cooperative intelligent transport systems (ITS) and connected vehicles are foreseen to change the way mobility is conceived today. The success, however, hugely depends on the advances in communication technologies and the provision of reliable and low- latency communication from networks to the vehicles and among vehicles themselves. The emerging 5G network is aimed at providing the reliable vehicle-to- anything (V2X) communication to foster the automate driving. This talk will provide an overview of the state of research in telecommunication and automotive sector in this area, and discuss open challenges, opportunities and ways forward.

The talk will also illustrate research results of the 5GCAR project, funded under H2020 programme in Europe, as a flagship project on automated driving, and share some learning from tests and trials in number of automated driving scenarios.