Small Molecules Achieve Remarkable Things

Essential Oils have been used for thousands of years for their medicinal qualities. I have recently discovered for myself how effective these are when using them to treat P’s tight tendons and to help my mother’s horse, Wolf, overcome some emotional issues. She has also found the same combination of oils I blended for him were also helpful for her too.

All the oils used in the blends sold are from a reputable company which is a member of BUAV (British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection) and are certified as therapeutic grade and responsibly sourced. This means that they are a little more expensive but have a higher concentration of volatile oil so a little goes a long way.

All blends sold are tested on our horses at home for effectiveness, ease of application and to check for any adverse reactions but I would advise patch testing any oils ordered as individual responses cannot be anticipated. If any adverse reaction occurs then use neat oil such as sunflower or olive to dilute the essential oil blend, do not use water!!

Oils can be bought as an “off the shelf” blend for a variety of uses but it is also possible to order a bespoke blend. Use the Contact Me form and I will get back to you to discuss this.

Where possible the blends will not contain any oils that are listed on the FEI Banned Substance List but, as always, the responsibility lies with the owner/rider/trainer to check this.