What is renewable energy

Solar Power

Solar power is the most widely used renewable energy source. It is a clean, free, and affordable energy source. It does not emit any harmful pollutants into the air and has the potential to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels.

How does solar power work?

The sun provides us with energy for everything that we use in our daily lives. The sun’s rays are converted into heat and light by a solar cell called a photovoltaic cell (PV). A PV cell converts the sun’s energy into electricity using the photovoltaic effect. It works like this: When sunlight hits a PV cell, electrons are knocked loose from atoms in the PV material and then move through wires to create electricity.

What is solar power?

Solar power is simply electricity generated from sunlight using photovoltaic panels (PV). You can install your own PV panels on your home, or you can purchase them from local companies such as SolarCity or SunPower. Once you have installed your PV system, you will be able to generate your own electricity from sunlight throughout the day and night.

Wind Power

What is Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy is the production of electricity using a resource that is naturally replenished. Examples include wind, solar, and water power.

Wind power: Wind power uses the wind to produce electricity. The wind moves through a turbine that generates electricity through a generator. The wind does not need to be strong, but it must be consistent and steady to produce the most energy from it.

How does wind power work?

The generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy. This process converts the kinetic energy in the wind into electrical energy that can be used by consumers.

How much energy is produced?

An average wind turbine can generate about 0.5 to 1.2 kilowatts per hour. To produce enough electricity for a home, wind turbines must be placed in very large numbers to get a large amount of power from the wind.

What are the different types of wind power?

Wind turbines come in three sizes: micro, small, and large. Each size has advantages and disadvantages depending on the situation and available resources.

Micro-wind: Micro-wind turbines are usually used in remote locations, such as farms or recreational areas. They produce very little energy and are used only to power small devices.

Small-wind: Small wind turbines are the most common type of wind turbine used today. They can be placed on rooftops, in parking lots, or other places that have access to steady winds. Small wind turbines can produce about 1 kilowatt of power when the wind is steady and blowing at a speed of 12 meters per second .

Large-wind: Large wind turbines are usually used to power large buildings, such as schools or shopping malls. They can produce more than 5 kilowatts of power when the wind is steady and blowing at a speed of 24 meters per second.

Why is renewable energy important?

Renewable energy is important because it helps reduce pollution and conserve natural resources. It also helps reduce the use of fossil fuels in the United States. The United States has become a major consumer of fossil fuels and this trend is expected to continue.

Renewable energy also provides a good opportunity for the United States to meet its goals of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. It is possible to produce more renewable energy than we need, but it will take time. The United States can help reduce pollution by investing in renewable energy projects now.

How do we use renewable energy?

Renewable energy can be used in many ways. One way is to convert electricity directly into usable power for your home. Another way is to use power stored in batteries for use when the wind does not blow or the sun does not shine. This form of renewable energy is called “battery storage” because batteries store power.

The third way to use renewable energy is to produce electricity from solar, wind, or biomass sources and then transmit the electricity over a power grid so it can be used by homes and businesses around the country.

What are environmental benefits of renewable energy?

Energy from renewable resources does not pollute the environment. It is a clean source of energy that can be used in many ways to help the environment. Renewable energy can be used for electricity, heat, and transportation. It can also be used to store and transport heat from one place to another.

Why should I care about renewable energy?

We have more than enough fossil fuels to meet our current needs and we use more than half of those fuels each year even though there are alternatives available that do not harm the environment. Renewable energy will continue to grow as we become a larger consumer of fossil fuels and it is important for us to invest in technology that reduces pollution while helping us meet our goals of cleaner air, cleaner water, and healthy land.

What should I do if I want to learn more about renewable energy?

The best way for you to learn about renewable resources is by using them yourself. You can make your own projects or attend a workshop designed specifically for learning new skills. For help finding a workshop in your area contact an organization like American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) or go online at AWEA’s website: .

How will climate change affect renewable resources?

Climate change may affect the availability of some types of wind power because some regions are expected to get less windy than other regions due changing conditions brought on by global warming. This could lead people who want clean power options such as wind turbines find it harder or