17341 hardworking Americans are now living a much better life, with lots more cash in their pockets.

So, here we go again.. You're thinking, 'I've heard this before'.. Your BS sensors are tingling.. This isn't just another 'secret weapon' or 'new invention' created by someone 'unknown'. No, this is something very basic that millions of people already do.. In fact, many people do it quite efficiently and inexpensively..

Used correctly..

..Slashing your power bill by nearly half overnight (and potentially going all the way up to 70% of cutted prices)  could save you money every month..

$200 per month (or, that's way more shocking said that way, more than 2000$ per year!)

You don't just carry around a backpack full of stuff; you should also bring along something light that allows you to pack everything else easily. For example, instead of carrying around heavy books and school supplies, why not simply grab a laptop? That way, you'll never forget anything important again.

You actually won't need a second mortgage to afford this new tool. And once you do decide to buy it, you're going to find yourself saving money over time.

During winter months, I am sure you've heard stories about the massive blizzards, ice storms, and heavy snows that occur across parts of North America. While these events seem like they happen only once per year, there are actually many types of weather phenomena that affect us throughout the seasons.

However you choose to deal with it.. It's not something you can ignore. And usually.. surprises you.

As I watch the weather change around me, I see with my own eyes the sun disappear behind clouds and temperatures plummet. My phone goes dead, leaving us stranded in the Dark Age. Snow blankets everything in sight, shutting down modern society. Hours later, the temperature drops another thirty degrees and four feet of new snow covers the earth. We're stuck here until spring.

If there were no sun, life would cease to exist. Without sunlight, photosynthesis stops; food cannot be produced; oxygen levels drop; and eventually, humans die.

It's likely when disaster strikes, you'll face it alone.

If there was just ONE THING that could make the difference between STARVATION and FUEL.. FREEZING and BEING WARM.. LIGHT AND DARKNESS.. That would be PREPARE.

You might find yourself wondering why there was no electricity, running water, or heat during Hurricane Sandy. Or maybe you were stranded at work during a blizzard. Whatever happened, chances are you're going through something similar now. And although everyone reacts differently, many people experience these same symptoms after disasters. Here's what to expect.

In 2005, Hurricane Katrina destroyed much of New Orleans and left thousands dead. Since then, many residents have been trying to rebuild their lives, but the city has struggled to recover financially. Now, five years later, New Orleanians continue to struggle with poverty and unemployment rates remain high. How do you determine who should take care of rebuilding after disasters like these? Should government officials step in and provide aid, or should individuals decide themselves?

I lost the bet on the Governor once.. And six people almost died.. Only a simple contraption made the difference between life and death.. And it's something everyone needs..

There are many ways nature can wreak havoc on us. Tornadoes, hurricanes, blizzards, floods…you name it – and local governments often just sit there watching helplessly. However, sometimes these events become opportunities to learn valuable lessons. Here are five ways nature teaches us important lessons.

Picture yourself facing off against the harshest conditions imaginable - four feet of snow as far as the eye can see.

This Stuff Can DEFINITELY Save Your Life…

Springtime brings lots of fun but also unexpected challenges. Be ready for everything Mother Nature throws at you - including flooding, mudslides, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, lightning storms, earthquakes, avalanches, blizzards, heat waves, droughts, thunderstorms, and wild animals. So, prepare yourself now before disaster strikes. Don't wait until it's too late. Get ready today. 

You don't need to buy tons of food just to survive. All you really need is a well-stocked pantry and a working refrigerator/freezer. Also, invest in heating equipment like heaters and air conditioning units. Lastly, switch over to green electricity.

..and your loved ones around you. Six people are still here today to tell the tale. And seventeen thousand four hundred thirty-one hardworking patriots are now making the big e picking up the tab.

Here's what people who have used it said about it:



how to do diy solar panels for your home for beginners - Solar power and energy for everyone, even for beginners

My dad had been working on a project involving solar energy. He'd built a prototype of a new kind of panel he wanted me to see. It looked like a regular Ping Pong Table but instead of wood it was made entirely of thin sheets of glass. They were curved into a circle and connected together using metal rods. My dad said they could power anything from a light bulb to a laptop.

As I was going through my old logs, I came across something interesting – a story about charging a battery using solar power. While researching, I discovered that there were many ways to do this. One way involved connecting multiple panels together to form a single large panel. Another way used only one panel connected directly to the battery. Yet another way had no connection at all. After reading these articles, I decided to try each approach myself. Here is the result… 

We got enough time to study the device..Because snowplows weren't anywhere around.Actually in the afternoon we had to go look for firewood and water supplies..To prepare us just in case we would have to spend another night there.

First things first. You have to prepare yourself before anything else.

You're able to help yourself and those around you. Waiting for miracles from FEMA could get you killed!

I brought my notebook along and started taking notes. After studying the blueprints, I realized he had made several tweaks to the design. One thing caught my eye though - he said he could produce almost double the output using just half the battery life.

Solar power has been around since the 1950s but only recently did it become affordable enough for everyone to enjoy its benefits. Solar energy works well during daylight hours and provides electricity 24/7. There are many ways to generate solar energy including photovoltaic cells, wind turbines, and water wheels. However, the easiest way to produce renewable energy is through solar panels. These devices convert sunlight into usable electrical current. They work like any other panel except they're usually mounted high above ground level so they don't collect direct sun rays. Most homes already have the necessary wiring to connect these panels to the grid. Once connected, homeowners receive credit towards their utility bills. Depending upon location, installation time ranges from 2 weeks to several months. Although installing solar panels is simple, there are still risks involved. For example, lightning strikes pose a danger to both equipment and humans. Also, extreme weather could damage the panels. To reduce potential problems, experts recommend using metal roofing instead of wood shingle roofs. Metal roofs provide better protection against storms and insects. Finally, regular inspections should be performed to ensure proper operation.

That was when Dad changed the rules of the game with his take on solar panel off grid in a DIY solar version

I started off building a system for my house in the city.. I had no idea at the time that I was doing something really smart. I lived in a tiny apartment with a balcony. My landlord said he couldn't let us do anything but paint the walls and replace the carpet. So I went shopping around town and came across these little panels made specifically for balconies. They were $250 each, but they looked like they'd last forever. I bought four of them and installed them myself. Then I called Solar City and told them I wanted to switch over to solar power. After talking with them for 15 minutes, they gave me a quote for installing the same 4 panels for $1,500. That seemed pretty steep, but hey, I'm not paying any bills. Plus, after reading reviews online, I knew there wasn't much risk involved. I decided to take the plunge. Now I pay $0/month for electricity and am saving money every month. All thanks to my dad. He helped me build everything. We're both super proud of ourselves.

I spent just over $200 ($204.68 to be exact) building my first solar panel system. Results were immediate - I saw almost 70% savings within the first few weeks after installation. My electricity bills dropped significantly too.

I did my best to cut even more.. But on the scale I built it.. Just wasn't possible. As I said.. This is not a BS conspiracy cloaked device. There are limits.

I think I did alright.. And the price was only 200 dollars.. So that's like really cheap.. Plus i made 1369 bucks in profits already!

If you're serious about cutting down on your electric bill, there's no better way to do it than by installing solar panels at your house. And now, thanks to Tesla Powerwall 2 batteries, you don't necessarily need to wait until next year to reap those benefits. Here's everything you need to know about these new power storage devices.

You're shocked at the total - $0.00. What happened? Did someone steal your identity? Or did you accidentally send yourself a check? Either way, there must be something wrong with your bank account. Call your bank immediately.

Here Are Some Things That Will Help You Understand This Topic Better.. well as how it can change your life with solar energy

This clever device works just like any standard USB charger but instead of using electricity to charge its battery pack, it uses kinetic energy generated through motion, making this basically a hybrid solar system.

That's not a grid-tied solar system, though, because it works out of the grid of your city/state and also you don't have to worry about A LOT of annoying and technically difficult stuff that you have to think about when you use solar panels, such as for a very narrow example optimal tilt angle , solar panels worth , solar panel efficiency, solar panels charge and how to install solar panels.

This is an easy straightforward off-grid solar system!

You'll never run out of power again thanks to the PowerGen EZPower Portable Generator. It has enough power to light up the kitchen and charge cell phones too. Plus, its compact design lets you take it anywhere. And at only $99, it won't break the bank either. Best of all, it runs off standard household current -- no batteries required. So grab yours today!

You don't need a lot of square footage to build a solar panel system - only a few square feet. And once built, they'll cut down your electric bills dramatically. So why wait? Get started today. We've got everything you need to build a DIY solar power system at low cost.

.. and you can find parts for it everywhere at any local shop or online.. Not only that.. but the batteries don't have to be old. My dad didn't pay thousands of dollars for these..

Solar power has been around since the early 1900s. There were many pioneers who made huge strides towards harnessing energy from sunlight. However, there was never any real progress until the 1970s. That's when scientists began working on ways to convert light into electricity using semiconductors. Today, solar cells are used everywhere, including cars, homes, and satellites. They cost much less today than they did 30 years ago. Solar power is still expensive compared to traditional sources like coal and gas, but prices continue to drop. Most experts agree that within 10 years solar power and other renewable energies could become cheaper than fossil fuels.

Until he came up with a method.

In 1859, Thomas Edison invented the light bulb using carbonized cotton dipped into sulfuric acid. He called it the “Edison Light." His invention was used in homes until around 1880 when incandescent bulbs were developed. These new lights lasted longer but they still had to be turned off at night and replaced after 8 hours. They burned too much energy to last long enough to charge multiple devices like phones and tablets.

Your vehicle's battery.

You can buy new ones at any auto parts store for $100-$200, but they're heavy, hard to clean, and don't last long. We've got better options.. They're light, easy to maintain, and won't break the bank. Plus, they'll revive after a full tank of gas, and work just fine until you need another battery.

And with a properly charged battery..

It'll never let you down.

There's a catch here too..

Building your own mobile phone has never been easier. All you really need is a little knowledge and patience. Today I'm going to walk through everything step-by-step so you'll understand exactly what goes into creating a fully functional smartphone.

My Dad was a genius at building stuff. He had a knack for designing simple machines that were actually really cool. And he could do it quickly too. His designs usually started off looking like something else entirely before they ended up being exactly what he wanted. After years of trial and error, he finally settled on a design that worked well enough for him. That design has since become the basis of everything I've ever built.

The SmartSolarBox was created..

After installing SmartSolarBox into your home, you'll immediately start saving money on electricity bills by being able to..

If you're looking to save money on energy bills, there's no better time than now. By following these simple steps, you'll reduce your monthly power bill significantly over the next few years.

This tiny gadget packs a big punch -- literally. Powered by solar energy, it uses just enough power to run its LED lights and recharge itself using ambient light. So no matter where you're going, you won't need to carry any batteries along. Just clip it onto anything flat like a car roof or tree branch, and let nature do the rest. And since there's nothing else to hold it down, it floats freely wherever you put it. 

With today's energy prices, it's hard to believe that electricity could ever cost just $0.01 per kilowatt hour -- but that's exactly what's happening now at many solar installations around the country. Solar panels provide free electricity during daylight hours, and they're becoming increasingly affordable thanks to new technologies and lower costs. And there's no limit to how much electricity these devices generate; homeowners can easily add panels whenever they see potential savings. Here are five ways solar works better than you think. 

Even after the SHTF, you should still be able to cook and preserve your own food using solar panels and wind turbines. While others will beg for scraps of rotting bread.

It is small enough to fit into any pocket, yet powerful enough to handle multiple jobs.

No maintenance whatsoever.. No need to worry about grid-tied solar systems, optimal tilt angle or to worry about how much are solar panel worth for your empty pockets...

If you live near a major city, chances are you've seen someone walking down the sidewalk carrying a cardboard box full of stuff they just bought at Target. That's called "shopping carting." Shopping carts aren't cheap - but they're free. And since many cities offer free public transportation, shopping carting has become a convenient way to haul large items like furniture and appliances without paying delivery fees.

I've been meaning to write something like this for awhile but I was too busy working to really sit down and do it properly. I'm glad I finally got to share this story with everyone else. My friend Andrew has been doing solar panels since he moved into town 4 years ago. His house is located near mine and we were both interested in trying to save money on electricity bills. After talking to him a lot over the past few years, I knew he had figured out a way to cut costs drastically. So after reading through several articles and watching videos on Youtube, I decided to buy a system myself. I bought 2 solar panels at Home Depot for $500 each and installed them on my roof. They cost me $2000 total, including installation. I paid $250 per panel plus another $1000 for the inverter/charger combo. That left me with a net savings of $750 dollars off my electric bill. Since installing these panels, I haven't seen any increase in my energy usage whatsoever. And here's why.. 

Off Grid Electricity has become increasingly popular among individuals who wish to live off grid without sacrificing comfort.

Here's what two people who used it said after using it:

You'll Want This off-grid DIY solar system for powering up your home and taking down bills and taxes for electricity and house heating

Energy costs continue to rise. And now, more than ever before, consumers must find ways to reduce their monthly utility bill. Fortunately, there are many options available today. One option is solar power. Solar panels allow homeowners to generate electricity directly from sunlight. They provide a reliable source of free energy, reducing dependence on fossil fuels and lowering household electric bills.

And, why shouldn't you? Since it only costs around $200 dollars to have your own power supply ready…that’s just over a month’s worth of electricity bills many of us pay to those greedy bastards…and have it up and running within four hours…when you have access to the full video series that shows you step by step how to build your own unit….fast and safely. (Yes! That’s right! I am going to provide you with all the videos showing you exactly how to build your own unit at the end of today…)

You don't have to pay any bills, maintain equipment, fix anything, clean anything, repair anything, put up with any kind of weather, deal with customers, take care of employees, manage inventory, hire staff, do payroll, handle taxes, buy insurance, file paperwork, or answer phones.

The SmartSolarBox® is incredibly versatile and easily adapted into any environment where there is access to electricity.

Your life will change forever after reading this book!

If you want a simple, low cost, quiet fan that requires no electricity at all.. you'll love building this fan using only items you probably already own! It's made entirely from parts that you can easily source around town. And since there are no moving parts inside, it has virtually zero noise output. So just plug it into any outlet and let it run quietly throughout your house. No batteries required either - it runs off the AC power supply through its built-in solar panel. 

Solar panels have been around since the 1970s but they've only recently become affordable enough for homeowners to buy themselves. Nowadays solar power is no longer just for big businesses like Google or Facebook - everyone can afford a little bit of sun. And there are plenty of ways to put those panels to work. Here are five ideas that could save you money on energy bills over the next few years.

Big energy companies don't care about us. They're ripping off Americans big time -- charging outrageous prices for power that shouldn't cost anything at all. We've got news for those greedy bastards: WE'RE BREAKING FREE FROM BIG ENERGY AND YOU CAN TOO. Join thousands of fellow consumers just like you who are breaking free from Big Energy today. Sign up now to receive $25 worth of solar panels absolutely free (this is not always available and depends on the running promotions). That's enough to pay for the installation costs of over 300 homes. And there's no strings attached.