Τhe material of the project reflects only the author’s views. The European Commission’s support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission or the Hellenic National Agency cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Refers to the Erasmus+ project (KA210-SCH - Small-scale partnerships in school education) with title: Sm(art) robots - H(app)y kids with the participation of the following schools:

Most relevant priority of the project: Promoting interest and excellence in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and the STEAM approach

Additional priorities: Development of key competences

Three topics addressed by the project: 

Description of the project

The project aims to promote the use of STEAM teaching method in school utilizing all the pedagogical benefits it provides. The benefit of the project is to enhance the key competence of all the students or the schools (even those who will not travel). Utilization of ICT and creation of innovative teaching methods will enhance the interest of all students, especially the weaker ones and also prevent failure in education.

Utilizing STEAM and robotics children learn to work in teams, are trained in decision making, discover inclinations and interests that they did not know they had, learn to handle technology responsibly and lay a solid foundation for their future lives. With this project our goal is to transform traditional teacher-centered methods to teaching where problem solving and exploratory learning will play a dominant role in the curriculum, while the creative involvement of learners in discovering the solution will be required. It is expected that the involvement of students in playful and creative activities on the topics of steam, working in groups and interact to each other, solving real life problems will enhance their interest in school courses and life. This project will approach learning based on synthetic tasks (project-based learning). Combined with computer programming, it is going to be a powerful tool for development of key competences of the students.

Activities and products of the project:

Examples of the activities can be: • Tour guide by an educational robot in a museum maquet that children are going to make • Robot saving museum exhibits from a natural disaster • Creating a video (close-ups) based on a “robotic story”

The products of this project are going to be: * Museum macquets * Robot programs * Video or the activities and robot actions  *Dissemination activities videos

All the project results are refered at the official web page of the Erasmus+ projects. The relative page of this project is:
