Once you begin the method and work through it and all the questions and struggles it begins to click. It is not the method, process, or the steps that click. I don't think if I had had a guide and follow step 1,2,3, with examples, etc, that poof it would have clicked sooner. You get it and it clicks when how you make notes, zettels, the mechanics of making zettels and thinking become one. They reflect and mirror each other. That is the ah-ha moment. The mechanics become thought muscle memory.

When it does click you realize that yeah maybe the mechanics of making notes changed or maybe not. That isn't really the point or goal. Getting your thinking and your mechanics in tune takes time and practice and is hard work like any sort of discipline or training.

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So the user of the zettelkasten needs to have a really clear understanding of what they are trying to achieve to understand how to use a zettelkasten. For example I really struggled with the idea of entrypoint notes that cover a topic, I feel as though these aren't discussed that much, mainly because the author of the zettelkasten is responsible for ensuring that it is easy to navigate.

Pretty much. As the blog pointed out, of 14 chapters in the book, the first 2 are devoted to actually "How to" take smart notes, with chapters 3 & 4 with a little bit about tools and tips. Then the next 10 chapters feels like a peek into Sonke's own Zettelkasten, showing all the reasons why this system will work. I love seeing that, and love having it, but as for a "How to" book, it feels like that ratio should be flipped, or at least closer to even, between showing how to do it vs telling why it works.

Entrypoints are just notes, but act as a summary of a topic by linking to other pertinent notes. Therefore it would be a common pattern for the index to link to an entrypoint, and then the rest of the topic can be navigated from there, through straightforward note to note links.

I have seen a few different ways of describing what you are calling entrypoint notes, which I think are similar to what this forum often calls structure notes. One way to think of them is as a concept outline that links to all notes relevant to a topic. When you say that these notes act as a summary of a topic, it suggests this use to me. However, another way to think of entry point notes is literally as an entry point to a network of linked concepts, but with no sense that the note captures all relevant notes. It acts as one entry point to the network and the ZK user, once in the network, then moves from point-to-point. The second sentence in the review quote above suggests this notion. Maybe you can clarify what you meant?

I have never quoted before so my apologies if I did it wrong. This sentence struck a chord in me. I am not sure if I am taking away the full meaning of what you are trying to convey though to me it provided some insight. I was lead to the Zettelkasten method due to my frustration in not being able to recall what I was reading. I read on a broad spectrum of topics, non-fiction. I felt that this would be a great system for that. I still question myself on this. I felt that this system provides re- visitation of your notes so therefore it would help with better retention. I was supposed to start my Zettelkasten a while ago and seem to be procrastinating which leads me to your point. Having a clear use of the Zettelkasten. I definitely see it being useful for those who intend to produce something with it. I do not want mine to become another graveyard for notes. I really want to try this and just need to start!!!! Thanks for the quote.

This book aims to fill this gap by showing you how to efficiently turn your thoughts and discoveries into convincing written pieces and build up a treasure of smart and interconnected notes along the way.

This is how I take notes. The ideas here are not my own: much of it comes fromHow To Take Smart Notes by Sonke Ahrens. I implore you (especially users ofOrg-roam) to read this through (and the book!). As usual, let me know what youthink by mail.

Suppose you had an awesome second brain, that could surface content up to youwhere you wanted it. You have a bunch of unrefined ideas sitting around,thoughts you had speaking with friends, or from reading something on the web.Link them up together, and you have a paper. Instead of beginning with theresearch question, and going top down, we begin with the notes, and build andrefine ideas from the bottom up. This also breaks writing down into small,reasonable steps (one note at a time). This is the driving principle behind theZettelkasten method.

A corollary for the above is that notes can go anywhere you want, they just haveto surface where you want them to. This is a crucial shift in mindset. We needto be purposeful with our note-taking. Write down things that matter, refinethem, file them for resurfacing later.

I couple these fleeting notes with my journal, so I use org-journal to do so.Fleeting notes get refined into their own note (own file), and are removed fromthe daily page. These notes are given file-tags, more on this later.

First, my notes all reside in the same folder, in a flat hierarchy. Nestingnotes artificially introduces a hierarchy, which can be extremely crippling. Ican rely solely on file links to make connections between notes.

This article was also written in about an hour, in similar style. I first lookedat all my notes from relevant tags, and clicked through their links. I simplytook a couple of key points and pieced them together!

In short - take what you're learning and share it with the world. 'It is not so important who you are, but what you do. Doing the work required and doing it in a smart way leads, somehow unsurprisingly, to success.'

Our smart notes feature reinvents your content consumption process. This tool seamlessly digests information from a variety of sources, distilling it into structured, detailed, and comprehensive notes. Eradicate the traditional method of manual note-taking, and allow our AI to intuitively pinpoint and present the pivotal components for your content for you.

In the intricate world of research, collecting vast amounts of data from diverse sources is a daily challenge. MindGrasp quickly converts comprehensive articles, interviews, and academic materials into concise notes. This facilitates quicker hypothesis testing, comparative analysis, and literature review, giving researchers a competitive edge.

Conventional note-taking, however, defeats this purpose. Instead of extending our abilities, it rather dampens them. Our notes are supposed to help us become more creative, more productive, and more prolific as knowledge workers.

Undoubtedly, using predetermined categories made everything feel easier. Information is organized, notes are easy to check, and the method is easy to teach. But at the cost of inter-categorical insight. The more we add notes, the more difficult using our notes become. Ultimately, the more we add notes, the less useful they also become.

While tagging allows a note to fall under multiple topics, effectively using tags requires remembering all of them. This gets worse when your collection gets larger. In that sense, you can say that solely using tags is impractical for organizing your notes.

The same thing also happens within a Zettelkasten: Connection of multiple notes causes new higher-level concepts to emerge; connection of multiple concepts causes a giant category to emerge.

Writing these notes is also not the main work. Thinking is. Reading is. Understanding and coming up with ideas is. And this is how it is supposed to be. The notes are just the tangible outcome of it. All you have to do is to have a pen in your hand while you are doing what you are doing anyway (or a keyboard under your fingers).

Fleeting notes are only useful if you review them within a day or so and turn them into proper notes you can use later. Fleeting literature notes can make sense if you need an extra step to understand or grasp an idea, but they will not help you in the later stages of the writing process, as no underlined sentence will ever present itself when you need it in the development of an argument.

The key to good and efficient writing lies in the intelligent organisation of ideas and notes. This book helps students, academics and nonfiction writers to get more done, write intelligent texts and learn for the long run. It teaches you how to take smart notes and ensure they bring you and your projects forward.

Instead of wasting your time searching for notes, quotes or references, you can focus on what really counts: thinking, understanding and developing new ideas in writing. It does not matter if you prefer taking notes with pen and paper or on a computer, be it Windows, Mac or Linux. And you can start right away.

When I look at the weekly newsletters I write that include my reference notes, notes I take on books, and references to other articles I get a picture of what I write about and how that interests me. This is not something I had before the summer. Sure, I had a general idea, but not the hard evidence of what it is that I notice and read about, and therefore come up with things that no one is writing about.

Anybody who follows me on Twitter or reads my blog will know that I am absolutely smitten with index cards. I have taken notes in index cards for decades, and I still do it. I loved index cards as a grade-school student and I adore them as a professor. I have a number of boxes to store my index cards. A few of those are portable, so you can take them with you, others are intended to stay at home. Index cards have been an intimate part of my life since I was too young to even write on them, and will continue to be an important element of my teaching practice, as I strongly believe that my students benefit from learning how to take notes in index cards, and the various methods associated with their usage. In fact, this 2020 I taught note-taking techniques using Index Cards and all my students have loved it. ff782bc1db

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