She learns about PowerToys and installed PowerToys on her machine. OnceJane downloads it, PowerLauncher is included in PowerToys. She can nowsearch for an application and launch an application instantly withPowerLauncher. She can also personalize her launcher to cater to herneeds by putting search based on executable names on top of the resultand show her the most recently used application. She can also addplugins which gives her additional features that she needs in a launcher, like calculator ordictionary. After using PowerLauncher, she feels more productive since it is fast, customizable, and it gets the resultthat she wants.

Through GitHubissues in PowerToysrepository, Windows users expressed the need for a fast and reliablelauncher with additional capabilities, such as text suggestion as userstype, auto-completion on tab, and options to do more actions like run inadministrator mode or open in PowerShell. This issue received the fourth most thumbs up (with70+ thumbs up) in the category of suggested PowerToy indicating thatusers are interested in this PowerToy.

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Can anyone help me with why the App Launcher in Portal (v10.7) does not show the apps and/or tools that come with a subscription? There is a long list of "Essential Apps" bundles but I am unable to add them to the launcher. Anyone else have this problem? I have found it may have been a bug in earlier versions but no documentation for 10.7. Thanks!

Having read , I installed spotify-launcher with pacman. I ran spotify-launcher through rofi. It downloaded halfway then 'finished' and hung. I then ran spotify-launcher with cli and it this is the output

So I had the same issue this morning and the way I fixed it was deleting spotify or spotify-tui from config folder, I deleted both of them because I wanted to sign in again.

After doing that I launched spotify-launcher from terminal and it downloaded without any issue. Hopefully this fixes it for you as well or maybe you already fixed it by now.

This is just a wrapper launcher for Kerbal Space Program steam installs to bypass Take Twos KSP2 oriented launcher. Fully passes steam command lines to the KSP exe (unlike Take Twos) and properly sets up the working path, source code is here for all to view. Releases are here:

yeah I went with the newest .net core version because it has linux/mac support. Ironically, it doesn't help much/any because there are no linux/mac builds of this launcher yet (as it is unaware of their executable names), so need to either

Just thinking outloud. Anyone know if the *nix builds ship this new launcher gizmo? If it doesn't then why am I bothering lol? If it does, what's the executable names of the launcher and main game binary there?

Remove the dumb launcher. it degrades performance as well as my faith in the company to do well by its customers. Whoever on the KSP community team reads this: Go back to Take Two, tell them their forced bloatware aint working out with this title, and get rid of the thing.

You can run the game without the launcher. KSP_x64.exe from the game's directory runs just fine. For convenience, you can create a shortcut to it or even add it to Steam under Games->Add a non-Steam game... option. It seems to work just fine this way. A bit crap that PD is trying to push this, but so long as the game keeps working without the launcher, I consider it a minor annoyance rather than a barrier.

The launcher has not been proven to do anything to affect the game negatively. Why would they remove it just because "you don't like it"? There really is no arguing against someone making a plain complaint. I think the launcher is nice and should stay, it's an easy place to provide feedback to the developers without having to go to some other platform where it might not be read.

A launcher has been in the game since as long as I remember, it's just been broken in almost every version. I think what's new here is that the launcher is on Steam. I don't play KSP on Steam, but I can see that being annoying, even if there are ways around it.

Nobody liked the launcher when it was first introduced, way back when. At which point it was OPTIONAL and you could simply start the game without it. Not sure if that's still possible with the Steam version, but with the regular version it is.

There's absolutely NO NEED for that bloody launcher (or indeed for any launcher) except as a marketing tool and/or to force the player to log in on some account to be able to access their game (useful for MMOs, not for single player games unless you're going to introduce item malls. Looking at you Take-Two, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, et. al.).

Plenty of people dislike it simply for the fact its completely redundant in every way possible, is that not valid enough reason?

Plenty of people hate it because of the company associated with it and potential data collection routes.

Let the reviews speak for themselves, unless this launcher is mandatory for functionality in the sequel (in which case its still redundant for KSP1) most will not like it, myself included. For Jools sake i even reactivated my old KSP forum account just for this issue specifically.

It does tho. It breaks modded games. Even with circumvention it seems to bug out some mods in weird ways. They beleive the folder for the launcher is the "root folder" of KSP and store configs etc... in a gamedata folder they make inside the launcher folder. It is very strange and Im seeing more errors than usual Even with a custom install location where I litterally use commands on steam to launch from a custom location. I have my game on a seperate drive than where steam installs it.

Using the luanch parameters to make steam launch from the custom location. Yet mods are making a "gamedata" folder inside the PD launcher folder in the steam install location. Steam install does not even have the mods nor is what steam is launching. So why is this happening? It seems the new steam setups to make this launcher work is doing weird things to the way the game runs. I am now forced to launch the game without steam. Which means I loose my FPS counter, steam screenshots and the steam playtime counter.

Fixed the problem with this post. No longer an issue. And again. Before now these mods wouldnt have this problem. The launcher introduced a change that these mods didnt take into consideration, basically breaking them. And since this problem is now on all versions of the game. Proper workarounds needs to be found as older versions of mods may not be updated to solve this.

Here is the solution

This is where to locate the three types of log files. The ones called Launcher_log.txt, Launcher_log(old1, 2, 3, etc).txt are for the launcher. The ones called log.txt, log(old1,2, 3, etc).txt are the game app log files. We may want those too for good measure.

The terminal window issue reported above happened in a blank Fiji. And I think I had an empty frozen Fiji once as well. The recent test I did on a Fiji with many update sites enabled. But again, it only happened with the new launcher. Pretty sure about that.

Since we have quite an extensive pipeline already developed around using an in-house launcher (for better or worse), it would be a massive pain to try and get everything working using Shotgun Desktop.

If you are using the old shotgun config, you would just change the paths.yml to a path to your

If you are using the new config2 then you could easily change the windows/linux/mac paths to your paths.

At the end of upgrading from CCS Ver. to the latest Version (5.4), this message appeared: "The Ccstudio executable launcher was unable to locate its companion launcher jar." When I attemped to start CCS, the same message appeared and CCS failed to start.

Hello. We run the Ansys suite on our Citrix Terminal Server farm. Since we have updated to 2022R2, the mechanical APDL launcher wont work when only the app is presented through citrix. As in, if you present a full desktop, run launcher.exe and then hit run, it works. Present only the launcher.exe app through citrix, and it doesnt. I have figured out its something with MPI, because if I choose SMP, then it runs (so not the firewall, because it works for the same user if they have a full desktop). The issue here is that this is used by a lot of students/classes. We can't expect them to try using the product and change the setting to SMP. Its a struggle just to get them to launch it as is. So, first question is, any fix for making MPI just work in the session? If not, is there some flag I can use to force the default to be SMP when the launcher.exe runs? As in %programfiles%\blah\launcher.exe -usesmp ? Barring any of that, is there a way to make the default profile be SMP instead of MPI? Thanks!

I had looked at the help/manual. The issue is that I need to save it to like the "default" profile, so that when anyone on the computer opens up the program, its set. I couldn't find anything in the help that said how to do that. It only talked about setting or using profiles for the currently logged in user. Is there a way to set a profile for all users? Im assuming here there are no flags or arguments to set on launcher.exe?

I understand you can manage your own profiles in the launcher. The issue is that I need to manage up to 10k students profiles :) I work for an engineering college at a university that uses Ansys in their classes. Telling a student how to do these things is not easily communicated. This is why I need to find a way to either edit the default profile that you get when you first run the software, or have a flag for the launcher.exe that does it. 

RE: SMP vs DMP. To be fair, we updated our version of citrix at the same time. Im not sure if it has something to do with that, or the upgrade from 2021 R1 to 2022 R2 that did it. All I know is it worked before, and doesnt now. I tried to run mpitest, but get an error. I assume its because users aren't an admin on the machine (and the default working directory is the executable directory). It also appears that the -dir flag doesnt work with mpitest. As you can see, you get an error denied: 

c:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v222\ansys\bin\winx64>ANSYS222.exe -np 2 -mpitest ff782bc1db

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