On the first step I get an error The package could not be downloaded from NuGet. ERROR Unable to download package: Could not find package Web in feed: '\solomon\deednugetfeed\' System.Exception: Could not find package Web in feed: '\solomon\deednugetfeed\'

The portal, Octopus service and the NuGet feed are running on Win2008 machine. At first the Octopus server was using the default Local System account, the portal the default ApplicationPoolIdentity (the portal has its own pool). While trying to deploy I got the error listed above. Then, I created a new local account, added it to the Administrators group and set both the octopus service and the app pool to run using the new account. The NuGet folder is shared with the new account. Unfortunately that didn't have any effect (all services are restarted).

Octopus Was Found In Cache. No Need To Download From Feed

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Try to change download option to "Octopus Server will download the package, then securely upload it to the Tentacles" in the process step where the nuget is downloaded. It seems that octopus tentacle can't reach the nuget feed.

As it turns out there is. For the project if you create and set a variable Octopus.Deployment.ForcePackageDownload to True it will always download the package from the feed, regardless of if the package exists in the cache or not.

When you go to deploy the release again, there is an option to force a download of the package from the feed again (see below), could you change it from the default option to Re-download packages from feed, this should bypass the cache on the Octopus server as well.

Edit: The more I am reading the more I suspect that the behavior I am looking for is not implemented. Can you give suggestions what we can do to avoid losing packages from ext. feeds that are currently installed?

Thanks for getting in touch. There are two download and cache steps taking place during a deployment. First, the Octopus Server will connect to the NuGet feed and download the package to the Octopus Server cache folder. Then, during deployment, this package will be downloaded to the Tentacle cache folder. At each of these steps, Octopus will check to see if the package already exists in the cache folder before downloading and skip it if it is found.

Thanks for reaching out. Before pushing the packages to the Tentacles, the Octopus server downloads the packages to a packageCache folder. If you do not have the box checked, Octopus will check in that folder, and if it finds that the package is already there, it will use the copy in the cache folder. If you have the box checked Octopus download the package from the NuGet feed whether it exists or not in the packageCache folder.

Hello. I have an octopus project that has a few steps that deploy to Azure App Service. The acquire packages step is taking about 23 mins to complete. This seems like a really long time to download the packages (less than 200mb). The log is below. Any ideas on how to fix this? Our deploy times are taking much longer then needed because of this. Thanks.

Ever wondered how to setup your own NuGet server? nuget.org have a guide and I actually hosted a couple of feeds that way in the past. At my day job we implement a lot of micro services. Some of these services distribute client libraries through NuGet and they all gets deployed to different environments using Octopus deploy. Octopus is based on NuGet as well, why we need to be able to host multiple private feeds for various purposes. Having wet dreams about build environments already, made this an excellent challenge for a guy like me: settings up multiple NuGet feeds to support both private feeds and Octopus.

If you are using an external feed you may see a message explaining the package cannot be found or that it cannot be downloaded during the deployment. These steps should help you diagnose the root cause of the problem and fix it:

You can configure how tolerant Octopus will be when attempting to source a package from an external feed, by specifying how many times to attempt the download and how long to leave between attempts. This can be configured when you define the external feed.

Does anybody have any references or documentation on the process to build a proxy server to be used for the HTTP Proxy functionality within the Meraki MS switches? I'm getting the runaround internally from a number of people saying that we need to setup a Web Proxy in Server 2016, which requires AD FS, which we won't be utilizing.

Optional: For maximum efficiency you should set one machine to automatically download updates, so that when your other machines need it it's already in the cache. You can do this by going to System->Administration->Update Manager, then click on the "Settings..." button, in the Update tab set it to automatically download all the updates.

In small networks (such as home / small office), I've used apt-cacher-ng with good results. I haven't checked the latest versions, but I know it needs careful setup of both server and clients, and it's best suited for clients that will only get updates from your local network.

Below is an example remote write code snippet. You will need to add this remote_write block to your prometheus.yml config file in order to forward your metrics from your local Prometheus instance to fully-managed remote storage with Grafana Cloud:

Our News, Politics and Culture teams invest time and care working on hard-hitting investigations and researched analyses, along with quick but robust daily takes. Our Life, Health and Shopping desks provide you with well-researched, expert-vetted information you need to live your best life, while HuffPost Personal, Voices and Opinion center real stories from real people.

There are more than forty species of dolphin and they live in environments ranging from freshwater rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters to deep sea open oceans. Most dolphins are opportunistic feeders, which means they eat the fish and other animals sharing their homes. All dolphins eat fish and those living in deep oceans also eat squid and jellyfish.

We can now set which binding to use in IIS in the Deploy Package step which deploys the main application. To use a specific SSL certificate you will need to provide the SSL Thumbprint. An easy way to find the Thumbprint of the certificate is to open the original .crt file, select the Details tab and select Properties Only from the Show drop down.

We will also need a HTTP binding so the redirects can take place. IIS configuration in Octopus Deploy allows multiple IIS bindings for a deployed package. To add a HTTP binding, it is the same the same as step above, but selecting HTTP from the Protocol drop down.

First described in 1964, the longfin gunnel, Pholis clemensi, was observed and identified by scientists reviewing HD video footage captured by Oceana from a ROV dive off north central California in 2011. Gunnels are small, elongated, laterally-compressed benthic fishes usually found living in shallow (less than 18 meters, or 59 feet) coastal waters in the North Atlantic, Arctic, and North Pacific Oceans. When Oceana scientists observed a longfin gunnel off Point Lobos, California, it was over 180 miles south of the previously presumed range for this species and at more than 30 meters deep, it was also twice as deep as its typical depth range.

The knowledge gained from this farming operation could help scientists rear their own octopus specimens, which would in turn produce more controllable research. (Many cephalopod researchers now have to rely on wild-caught specimens of unknown age and life history.) And if other farming operations crop up, it could help relieve some of the ecological pressure in areas in which octopuses have been overfished, such as in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Perhaps you're interested in Redis but you don't want to run it on Azure, or perhaps even on Linux. You can run Redis via MSOpenTech's Redis on Windows fork. You can install it from NuGet, Chocolatey or download it directly from the project github repository. If you do get Redis for Windows (super easy with Chocolatey), you can use the redis-cli.exe at the command line to talk to the Azure Redis Cache as well (of course!). It's easy to run a local Redis server with redis-server.exe, test it out in development, then change your app's Redis connection string when you deploy to Azure. Check it out. Within 30 min you may be able to configure your app to use a cache (Redis or otherwise) and see some really significant speed-up.Sponsor: Big thanks to my friends at Octopus Deploy for sponsoring the feed this week. Build servers are great at compiling code and running tests, but not so great at deployment. When you find yourself knee-deep in custom scripts trying to make your build server do something it wasn't meant to, give Octopus Deploy a try. About Scott Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

During the setup and testing of octopusdeploy I created and pushed some packages I no longer need and have never used in a release. They are considered collateral damage and stay there forever, cluttering my beautiful feed.

Crushed potato salad with parmesan (photo above) dressed with the flavour-loaded leftover marinade from the octopus. I boiled some baby potatoes with the octopus for the last 30 minutes, then drizzled over the leftover marinade, added an extra squeeze of lemon and olive oil (I was a little short on dressing), sprinkled generously with parmesan, pinch of parsley, then served it on the side with the octopus.

I know this recipe will be far from the most popular on this website, being that octopus is not, well, you know, chicken breast. ? And it makes me a little sad to think of all those people in this world who will never experience the awesomeness that is baby octopus. ff782bc1db

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