You can use an IP address or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the smart host to specify the smart host identity. The smart host identity can be the FQDN of a smart host server, an MX record, or an A (address) resource record. If you configure an FQDN as the smart host identity, the source server for the Send connector must be able to use DNS name resolution to locate the smart host server.

I'm trying to set up the ISP's mail relay as a smart host, but I'm having trouble. I've entered the fully qualified domain name for the server, left the Masquerade name blank, and added the IP address of the smart host (The address I've used is the address of a known SMTP relay on my test network. It will change in production)

Smart Host


MailEnable can function as a smart host. This means that it can collect mail for another host, and pass the email on. With MailEnable, this is done on a domain basis. A domain needs to be configured in MailEnable to receive the email, otherwise the email may be rejected.

In the domain properties, select the Act as Smart Host checkbox. This will enable a list window below, where the option to add domains to the Smart host list appears. Using the 'add' and 'remove' buttons will configure the addresses of where you are going to redirect the email to.

Savant Hosts deliver the core intelligence of the Savant platform, driving the technology across your entire smart home. Through the most sophisticated software on the market, Savant Hosts manage every subsystem throughout the home or property to deliver a single unified user experience. Our systems not only scale with your needs, but are also designed to be updated to stay aligned with the latest technology and features.

Whether your home is a designed for a single room of automation or you are looking for automation across the entire property, Savant offers the perfect solution. No matter what host is right for your project, users can always personalize their experience with unique room photos, unlimited creation of Savant scenes inside the Savant App, as well personalized a music dashboard for every user.

I set up iRedMail in my lab to test with malicious email and Phishing campaigns. I want to forward all outbound email through a Smarthost (e.g. FortiMail). I looked through some pages but could not find a 'search' option in the forum. So I apologize if this question has already been addresses.

In order to account for the new app I opted to redesign my services mail flow a bit. Now insteadof every host authenticating directly to Office 365 I will have a single server whose dedicatedfunction is to act as a mail relay. All services will use the mail relay as their smarthost andthe mail relay will connect to Office 365 using a connector.

Appropriately choosing your 'Domain Restrictions' is pretty important. Restricting by IP address can be pretty not bad, but if you're in a NATed environment be careful you don't accidentally increase your scope. In my case I didn't want to put my mail relayer in our DMZ, so it was 1-to-many NATed,and I actually have a certificate I can use for this host. Those two considerations made choosing"by certificate" pretty much a no brainer.

The last option is "Associated accepted domains". If you try to add anything here you'll be showna list of all domains you have management rights in Office 365. If you add any domains here thenthe connector will reject any emails that are destined for another domain. If your services willonly be mailing internally then this setting may work for you. If you do anything externaly, like email based alerting with a hosted provider, you'll want to leave it empty.

This assumes you already have a server you want to use as your mail relay system. I wanted oneso I made one. Building such a host is beyond the scope of this post and is left as an exercisefor the reader.

The relayhost name is a bit odd. Office 365 always creates the DNS name for you but leaves it in the format ${fqdn} where any periods of your email domain in the fqdn are replaced with hyphens. That is, if were hosted by Office 365 I woulduse

We're also using the mynetworks option for access restriction. This is how we tell postfix whichIP addresses are allowed to send email to it. In the above example we're telling the relay hostthat any host within or are allowed to send email to it. You should changethose values to be your trusted environment.

This how-to is for Office 365 after the May 2015 update. This is theprocedure for adding a smart host and enabling outbound filtering.Step-by-step guide 1. Login into the Office 365 Admin Center 2. ...

A common misconception is that outbound email can be load-balanced for Exchange simply by provisioning two equal cost Send Connectors, either using DNS to route directly or routing via a smart host for each Send Connector.

Or if the smart hosts are actually hosted by the ISP then the Send Connector simply specifies the IP addresses or DNS names of the smart hosts, and the Exchange source servers would need static routes configured to be able to reach each smart host over the correct ISP connection.

A smart host is a type of mail relay server which allows an SMTP server to route e-mail to an intermediate mail server rather than directly to the recipient's server. It is important to understand that a smart host is only used for outbound emails (where destination is NOT a local domain).

Posted by mrjetas on 6/10/20 9:45 AMDoes someone managed to configure the smart host properly?I tried it several times but it never worked for me.I tested the upstream smtp server with openssl i.e. I connected to it, auth log was ok (235) and so on. It works properly. However when I enter the same data to smart host config in Xeams all outgoing emails just sit in the ..Xeams/optXeams/OutboundMailQueueAny ideas?

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Back in the early, idealistic days of the Internet, sending an email was one of the most basic activities users could perform, and the entire system was designed to make it as easy as possible. It didn't take long before schemers and scammers spotted an opportunity to make money, and email inboxes were flooded with spam. One of the first measures put in place to stem the tide of junk email was the implementation of smart hosts.

Smart host operators had to quickly adapt to the new, spam-infested reality, as open mail relays were soon being blocked by other Internet servers. Efforts to better manage email routing were accelerated in 2003 with the passage of the Controlling the Assault of Non-Solicited Pornography And Marketing ( CAN-SPAM) Act in the United States.

As a result, the term smart host evolved to describe an email server that was not an open mail relay. Today, a smart host has several protections in place to prevent spammers and scammers from abusing it.

Not all smart hosts offer the same features and protections, however. Paubox is a smart host, providing seamless and secure HIPAA compliant email that can be composed and sent directly from your existing email client (such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365) or through the Paubox Email API. Our solution is HITRUST CSF certified and a smart choice for healthcare businesses.

How to Set Up a Smart HostIf you want to designate another SMTP server to handle all outgoing messages, you can set up a smart host to perform this task. After you set up the smart host, all outgoing messages that are designated for remote domains are routed through it.

To configure a smart host, follow these steps:

In the Smart host box, type either the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or the IP address of the smart host server.

If you type an IP address, enclose the address in brackets (for example, []). When you do so, you can increase performance because Microsoft SMTP Service does not perform name resolution.

If you want Microsoft SMTP Service to attempt to deliver the remote messages directly before it forwards them to the smart host, click to select the Attempt to direct delivery before sending to smart host check box. By default, this check box is not selected.

Smart Inventory is a feature that was added to Red Hat Ansible Tower 3.2. The feature allows you to generate a new Inventory that is made of up hosts existing in other Inventory in Ansible Tower. This inventory is always-up-to-date and is populated using what we call a host filter. The host filter is a domain specific query language that is a mix of Django Rest Framework GET query language with a JSON query syntax added in. Effectively, this allows you create an Inventory of Hosts and their relational fields as well as related JSON structures. 

The ansible_facts field is a related field on a Host that is populated by Job Template runs (Jobs) that have fact caching enabled. Ansible Tower bolts on an Ansible fact cache plugin with Job Template that have fact caching enabled. Job Templates of this kind that run playbooks that invoke Ansible gather_facts will result in those facts being saved to the Ansible Tower database when the Job finishes.

A limitation of the Smart Inventory filter is that it only allows equality matching on ansible_fact JSON data. In this blog post I will show you how to overcome this limitation and add hosts to a Smart Inventory using, for example, a range query on if a host is part of a subnet. e24fc04721

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