International Joint Workshop on
Slow-to-Fast Earthquakes 2023

Post-meeting Field Trip (16 September 2023)

Geomorphic Records of the Great Kanto Earthquakes in the southern area of the Boso peninsula, Chiba Prefecture

巡検 (2023/9/16) 千葉県房総半島南部の関東地震を記録した地形

Last updated on May 21, 2023


A one day geomorphological and geological field trip will be conducted after the plenary session. We will visit the southern area of the Boso peninsula to the south of Tokyo, where sequences of marine terrace record the past uplift events due to megathrust earthquakes, including the 1923 (Taiho Era) and the 1703 (Genroku Era in Edo period) Kanto earthquakes. (1) At the Kenbutsu beach located on the western side of the peninsula, we will observe the terraces produced by these two historically recognized events. (2) At Shirahama on the eastern side of the peninsula, we will observe the biomarkers recording the uplift due to the 1923 event together with the terrace due to the 1703 event; a remarkable feature is that the uplift of the 1923 event is significantly lower in this eastern area than the western area, while the 1703 event exhibited almost the same, suggesting the difference in the rupture areas of these two events. (3) In Chikura, we will observe the measure four marine terraces produced in the recent 6000 years with recent report of dating suggesting notable non-characteristic intervals of the emergence.

Figure 1. Map of the field trip sites in the Boso Peninsula. (Left) Schematic illustration of the Sagami Trough. Stars indicate the source positions of the 1923 M7.8 Taisho earthquake and the 1703 M8.2 Genroku earthquake. (Right) Distribution of the Holocene marine terraces (Numa terraces) in the southernmost tip of the Boso Peninsula. Stars indicate the stops of this field trip.

図1. (左)相模トラフの概観図。星印は1923年M7.8大正関東地震と、1703年M8.2元禄関東地震の震源。(右)房総半島完新世海岸段丘(沼段丘)の区分図。星印は今回のフィールドトリップのストップ地点。

Important details

Meet at: 8:00 a.m., Sep. 16th (Sat), at Univ. Tokyo (Hongo Campus) 

Completion: After 18:00 arrive at JR Soga Station

Number of participants: Max. 60 people (selection will be made after the deadline)

Participation fee: free (please buy your own lunchbox and beverages by the meeting time)

Guides: Junki Komori (NTU, Singapore) and Ryosuke Ando (EPS, U.Tokyo)


Guided by Dr. Junki Komori (NTU) and Ryosuke Ando (U.Tokyo) 

Meet at 8:00 (at Hongo Campus of U.Tokyo) 

Stop 1: Kenbutsu coast for the marine terraces on the western side of the peninsula 

Stop 2: Shirahama area for the biomarker and terrace on the eastern side 

Stop 3: Chikura area for the four major marine terraces Around 18:00 Breakup at JR Soga station


We will move together by a bus.

Sampling is prohibited.

Walk on the paved road for a few hundred meters and on a rocky coast for a few tens meter.

It takes about 1 hours from Soga Station to Tokyo Station by a local train.


川上俊介・宍倉正展 (2006) :館山地域の地質 地域地質研究報告(5万分の1地質図幅),産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター, 82p.

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Komori, J., Ando, R., Shishikura, M. (2020). Cluster analysis of marine terraces and quantitative seismotectonic interpretation of the Boso Peninsula, central Japan. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2019JB019211. 

Komori, J., Shishikura, M., Ando, R., Yokoyama, Y., Miyairi, Y. (2021). The history of the great Kanto earthquakes, central Japan: A Bayesian approach to age estimation of marine terraces. Quaternary Science Reviews, 272, 107217.

中田 高・木庭元晴・今泉俊文・曹 華龍・松本秀明・菅沼 健(1980):房総半島南部の完新世海成段丘と地殻変動. 地理学評論,53,29-44.

Shishikura, M. (2014). History of the paleo-earthquakes along the Sagami Trough, central Japan: Review of coastal paleo-seismological studies in the Kanto region. Episodes, 37, 246–257.

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Figure 2. The Numa terraces of the Sunosaki coast depicted by (a) aerial photography and (b) a digital elevation model (DEM) overlay. Aerial photography taken by Shishikura (2023).

図2. 洲崎海岸の沼段丘の航空写真 (a) と数値標高モデルを用いた3D表現 (b)。航空写真は産業技術総合研究所地質調査総合センター宍倉正展氏提供。

Figure 3. Coseismic vertical deformations in the historical earthquakes and the marine terraces associated with these deformations, cited from Shishikura (2014). (a) Deformation of the 1923 M7.8 Taisho earthquake. (b) Deformation of the 1703 M8.2 Genroku earthquake. (c) Marine terraces in Kenbutsu beach.

図3. 歴史地震に伴う鉛直地殻変動分布と変動海岸地形。(a) 大正関東地震による変動。(b) 元禄関東地震による変動。 (c) 見物海岸に分布する隆起海岸段丘。いずれもShishikura (2014) より引用。

Figure 4. The biomarkers associated with the 1923 and 1703 uplifts, recorded in the Miura Peninsula (Fig. 3), cited from Shishikura (2014). The emerged sessile assemblage of the same species can be found at Shirahama beach.

図4. 三浦半島(図3)で観察できる、1923年と1703年の隆起を記録する生物群集化石。同種の化石が白浜海岸にも分布する。写真はShishikura (2014) より引用。

Figure 5. (a) Aerial photography of the Chikura lowland (Fig. 1) and (b) the visualization of DEM of the same site.

図5. 千倉低地の航空写真と数値標高モデルを用いた3D表現。


Slow-to-Fastワークショップ会期後に日帰りのフィールドトリップを開催します。滞在する房総半島南部の海岸では、1923年大正関東地震や、1703年元禄関東地震といった過去に発生した巨大地震の痕跡となる隆起地形を観察することができます。(1) 東京湾に面する見物海岸では、これら二つの歴史地震によって隆起し形成された明瞭な海岸段丘地形が位置しています。(2) 南東部の白浜海岸では、直近の1923年の地震で隆起する直前の海水準を記録する生物化石群集が観測できます。 (3) また、東岸の千倉海岸では、海岸から標高約30メートルの高さまで、過去6000年間の繰り返しの隆起の痕跡となる海岸段丘を見ることができます。これらの海岸地形は約数十kmの範囲内にありながらそれぞれの地点で異なる隆起履歴の様相を見せており、過去に発生した巨大地震のバリエーションを示唆しています。


集合:9/16 (土) 8:00 東大本郷キャンパス

解散:18:00 以後 JR蘇我駅

参加人数:最大 60 人程度 (締め切り後に選考します)










9/16 (土)

集合: 8:00(東大本郷キャンパス)

Stop 1: 半島西部の段丘地形 見物海岸

Stop 2: 半島東部の隆起の生物痕跡と段丘地形 白浜地域

Stop 3: 4段の段丘面 千倉地域

解散: 18:00以降(JR蘇我駅)