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We decided to create Slay in Your Lane: The Journal shortly after our book tour ended last year. After so many events, talking to thousands of women, we realised that the same questions were cropping up again and again. In this journal we distil our answers to those questions, and the many others raised by Slay in Your Lane, into practical ways to help you create a better and more visible future for yourself

With Slay in Your Lane Elizabeth Uviebinen and Yomi Adegoke started a national conversation. Now they want you to join them in making changes.

Packed full of practical exercises, worksheets, questionnaires and actionable tips, Slay in Your Lane: The Journal will help you get ahead in everything from relationships to starting a successful side hustle, building your personal brand, knowing your worth at work, finances, self-care, and health.

It will give you the tools and the confidence to be in the driving seat of your life, and not just a passenger: showing you exactly how to slay in your own lane.

Slay In Your Lane Pdf Download


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In the book, you say that role models matter to the next generation more than ever. Who was your role model when you were growing up? And do you have the same role model now or has it changed?

You say your book is #BlackGirlMagic-personified, and it really is a wonderful celebration of Black women. Do you think there has been a turning point in our society where the Black female experience is being recognised and talked about, or do you think more needs to be done to fuel conversations and awareness?

'This book is such a brilliant insight into being a black woman in Britain - buy it to help the young black women in your life - and if you're white, buy it so you know what we have to go through every day, because ignorance is a form of complicity' Otegha Uwagba, author of Little Black Book

"All I can say is black creatives, trademark your shit," she added. "I mean, it won't actually stop white women ripping you off and big organisations stealing your shit, but at least you can drag their clarts to court!!!"

Stay in your lane is often used in social justice circles to refer to would-be allies or other people who attempt to speak on an issue with which they are not intimately familiar, such as a white man explaining issues that a woman of color deals with in her day-to-day life.

This is not meant to be a formal definition of stay in your lane like most terms we define on, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of stay in your lane that will help our users expand their word mastery.

Yomi Adegoke: We were quite cautious not to use the term "self help" with the first book because you can't slay your way out of systemic racism. Because some of the issues we face as black women like racism, misogynoir, and sexism are so big and institutional and systemic but it can be hard to get advice. Its not the a self help bit it's that space. We wanted it to push the conversation further this time and we get even more into the nitty gritty. The first book was about outlining the experience and this was about at providing advice and solutions.

EU: My book is The Defining Decade by Dr Meg Jay. It's all about how you make the most of your twenties in three ways, health, relationships, and career. It really helped me be take charge and be in the driving seat of my life. Reading this book and understanding practical and theoretical ways about how to navigate your twenties was really important. It helped me to navigate myself into black not yet occupied.

Our weekends just became completely about the book. We wanted it to be research heavy because, as black women, we are always asked to prove our experiences so we needed statistical evidence to back it up. The research took months, and co-ordinating 39 women. The assumption was that we had connections with these women, especially because I worked in the media, but we didn't. Practical balancing of juggling your life, with the book that becomes your life, was one of the hardest parts.

EU: Growing up as a young person coming from South London, you may not have a lot of expectations from your teachers that you'll succeed. I was always the middle of the road and, for so many of us, if you don't take charge, you can fall through the gaps. One of the challenges is being forgotten. It wasn't racism, it was poverty and a lack of resources. A lot of women in the book talk about the longer route to success.

EU: It was that you've got a helping hand along the way from education to how did you come to be where you are now, and to make you look at your life in a more holistic way. The journal is about you and how you feel.

The JESD204B serial data link interface was developed to support the growing bandwidth needs of higher speed converters. A third generation standard, it provides a higher maximum lane rate (up to 12.5 Gbps per channel) while supporting deterministic latency and harmonic frame clocking. Additionally, it now can easily move large quantities of data for processing by taking advantage of higher performance converters that are compatible and scalable with open-market FPGA solutions.

The assigned JESD204B lanes of my converter do not route easily to my FPGA on my system board. There are crisscrossing pairs all over the place and it is generally susceptible to crosstalk. Is there a way to remap the assignment of the JESD204B lanes to make my layout easier?

Although converters may have JESD204B serial lanes defined by a number, letter, or other nomenclature to designate their particular relevance in the complete link, they are not required to be fixed. The specification allows for remapping of these assignments in the initial configuration data, as long as each lane and device has a unique identification. The link configuration data includes the device and the lane identification numbers to identify its operation. With this information, a multiple lane transmitter could easily reassign any digital logical serial data to any physical output lane using a crossbar mux.

While it is an optional feature that the specifications allow, if an ADC vendor has a crossbar mux feature to reassign logical to physical output assignments, then the link I/O can be reconfigured in the best order for the easiest layout. The FPGA receiver can take the same initial configuration data and change the expected lane assignments to recover the data. With this ability, the routing of lanes from one device to the other can be made much easier and independent of the initial named assignment by the silicon vendor in the data sheet.

Deterministic latency across the JESD204B link is defined by the time it takes data to propagate from the parallel framed data input at the transmitter (ADC or source FPGA) to the parallel deframed data output at the receiver (DAC or receiver FPGA). This time is typically measured in either frame clock periods of resolution or device clocks (Figure 1). The definition excludes the analog front-end core of an ADC and the back-end analog core of a DAC. Not only are two devices a function in this latency computation, but so is the serial data signal routing interfacing the two. This means that the deterministic latency could be larger or smaller within a multiconverter system or multipoint link, depending upon the length of the JESD204B lane routing. Buffer delays on the receiver can help account for latency differences due to routing.

This is one of the few drawbacks to the JESD204B interface. It is not easy to electrically probe an LSB or MSB I/O to see if there is correct activity to and from the converter. This is because the sample data is serialized per channel, so a particular weighted bit cannot easily be probed electrically. However, a few options can be used to debug a system issue when you quickly want to know what, if any, valid data is being sent or received from your converter.

System designers using JESD204B can easily compute the number of lanes or lane rate for their link given that they know the other key criteria of their converter, ASIC, or FPGA. There is a mathematical relationship for all of the basic link parameters below such that one unknown variable can be computed and solved. Based on the result, system designers can choose other parameters to change the link operation within the confines of the converter or FPGA architecture:

An otherwise inefficient arrangement on the link can be made more efficient with a lower lane count or lower lane speed by using an application layer. Both the transmitter and receiver need to be configured to understand a specific application layer, as it can be customized or uniquely designed by a particular converter mode. Figure 3 shows an example where five samples are partitioned into a space typically occupied by only four.

When using the equation from the previous question for application layer calculations, the effective N', instead of the actual N', needs to be used. For example, in the application layer case shown below, although the actual JESD024B sample N' is 16, the effective N' for ADC samples can be figured since 64 bits are used to send five samples. Therefore, NEFF = 64/5 = 12.8. With all other variables held equal, the lane rate could then be run 20% slower: 2351a5e196

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