Remington Forearm – Check Out The Best Choices Available

The US military decided to provide its close-quarters combatants with the Remington 870 shotgun in addition to their standard battle rifles as the Vietnam War grew more intense and 18-year-old young men were sent off to war.

Manufacturers have also noticed. More than 30 brand-new designs were on display at the 2017 Shot Show, some of which came from manufacturers who had never previously produced shotguns. The shotgun is unquestionably back on the rise when you factor in the numerous accessories available. There is a shotgun for every circumstance, from drum-fed door busters to short-stocked hand cannons.

But are these fresh designs really what you want, or are they just an attempt to "reinvent the wheel"? The Remington Forend pump shotgun was a battle-tested firearm with a large following among veterans and military enthusiasts alike by the time the United States withdrew from Vietnam in 1975. Many veterans brought with them direct combat experience and first-hand knowledge of gun fighting techniques when they returned home.

Remington Forearm

Remington Forearm 

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, a significant number of these seasoned gunfighters made the decision to continue their service to their country by joining the police force. During a time when the majority of Police, Sheriff, and Federal departments were either creating or updating outdated policies and training manuals to reflect what they had learned during their wartime experience, the Remington Forearm was widely accepted as a trusted friend when looking for additional firepower to supplement their six shot service revolvers.

As a guide to what is best, many modern shooters look for the newest and greatest. But do you want your family's safety or your own to be dependent on a widget or gizmo that someone added because they thought it was cool?