Pictured Above:

Oppo BDP105D, Decware Zen UFO (2 watts per channel), Omega Alnico Monitors, SLAB 12's (12 inch drivers).

Omni Directional:

SLAB open baffle's are "Omni Directional" meaning sound waves are projected off the front and rear of the driver (outward and upward from front and rear of the baffle).

Direct & Reflected Energy:

Acoustic energy projected off the Front of the baffle towards the listener is "Direct Energy". Acoustic energy projected off the rear of the baffle hits the front & side walls and is reflected back into the listening space "Reflected Energy". The human brain processes both the "Direct" and "Reflected" energy creating a Huge Soundstage.

SLAB Placement:

SLAB's, like your main speakers perform best when given room to breathe. We recommend placing the SLAB's inside or outside and along the same approximate plane as your main speakers . Placing SLAB's directly against a wall, in a corner or under a cabinet will tend to create a boxy / enclosed sound. Areas behind each SLAB should be clear to allow the rear wave to flow unobstructed to the front and side walls to maximize the "Reflected Energy" component.

Stereo Pair:

Augmenting low frequencies with a pair of SLAB's given their Omnidirectional qualities result in a very smooth and even low frequency response throughout the listening room (no Muddy or Hot spots).

Carpet / Wood Floors:

SLAB's are equipped standard with professional rubber feet that act as isolation devices while also anchoring the Baffle to the floor or carpet for added baffle stability. Spiking SLAB's directly to the floor is not recommended.