Salina Elementary School to Skyline Insurance Agency
Salina Elementary School
Salina School is an above average, public school located in SALINA, UT. It has 405 students in grades K-5. According to state test scores, 57% of students are at least proficient in math and 47% in reading.
Directions from Salina Elementary School to Skyline Insurance Agency Ephraim
Salina Elementary School
210 W 300 N, Salina, UT 84654, United States
Head east on W 300 N toward N 200 W
52 s (0.2 mi)
Turn left onto US-89 N/N State St
Continue to follow US-89 N
10 min (10.8 mi)
Take S Dairy Rd and S Christianburg Rd to US-89 N
8 min (5.4 mi)
Turn right onto Factory Ln
0.9 mi
Turn left onto S Dairy Rd/Railroad Ln
Continue to follow S Dairy Rd
2.2 mi
Turn right onto UT-137 E
1.0 mi
Turn left onto S Christianburg Rd/Cristenburg Rd
1.2 mi
Turn left onto Christianburg Rd
0.2 mi
Turn right onto US-89 N
19 min (17.5 mi)
Continue on E Center St. Drive to 50 S St
16 s (279 ft)
Skyline Insurance Agency, Inc