BANNER UPDATE. - 2024.03.25

I have redone Galvan Ize's UTAU page banner art, to reflect his current design, as well as my updated interpretation of his appearance based on a better understanding of stylization.

Denki Sai's banner will be left alone, as I'm still satisfied with it. 

Because I've been using the carrd website builder to house my hub website, and my commissions website, I might consider moving all my UTAU materials over there at a later date... but new websites take forever to set up, so for the time being, I'll leave this place alone until further notice. 

Just leaving a small heads up that I may end up porting my materials to that website in some nebulously defined future time.

As I work through some remaining work for the rest of this month, I should be able to resume work on voicebanks, covers, new art, and such into April. Stay tuned. 


UTAITE DESIGN, name rebrand - 2023.02.21

Hello everyone, it's been a while. 

I have replaced my Utaite page with a new character design sheet. 

The character is meant to be my representative avatar for singing endeavors, as well as potential Vtubing or streaming endeavors - if I go down that route.

"Stelyos Arcyne" is the character's full name. 

Steel, or Stelyos, can be used interchangeably to refer to myself or the character.

This is an announcement I also made on my YouTube channel page a few months ago, but I decided to shift away from using "SteelEmissary"

I do not dislike the name, but it's harder for general audiences to look up, spell, or remember.

I made the name specifically to encompass Vocaloid and UTAU specific works (it was basically a moniker that referenced a "message delivering robot") 

In diversifying from Vocaloid / UTAU related work, I would like a name that can universally encompass all of my creative endeavors.

I have officially changed my handle to "Stelyos" to hopefully be easier and more distinct to search, as well as a name that flows better.

Stelyost is basically a backup handle incase "Stelyos" is taken on certain platforms, as a portmanteau of "Stelyos / OST", (in Twitter, YT, if using @ to link my page, Stelyost would show up, which is fine). 

In typing, referring or crediting me and my projects, it should be "Stelyos".  (such as tagging or crediting a work with #Stelyos )

However, "Steel" is still perfectly fine to use to address me - as that's still in active use with the those I communicate with. It can be thought of as a casual use name.

Thank you very much.


Valentine's Day Update! - 2019.02.14

Caeles has received a polished new character art in the same style as Denki & Galvan's last pieces after a long time.

You can check the new artwork on his UTAU page.

The next step will be upgrading the remaining character banners and buttons for site specific artwork when I can.

I am contemplating transferring site platforms in favor of something with more visual flexibility because this site is really only good for info safekeeping while having an alright but not exceptional layout. However, website design requires time, of which I really have none right now, but hopefully all will be accomplished in due time...!
