Email stelyos.v@gmail.com if the FAQ doesn't cover a question.

Q. What is your current UTAU project?

A. Denki Sai / Galvan Ize Full Multipitch Builds, finishing old covers and UST projects.

Q. When will [x] UST be released?

A. My schedule is way busy, so I honestly can't guarantee anything. However, you can email me and request for a public release or private usage copy of the UST. Usually, knowing that the song has some demand will motivate me to try to polish it up and release it to the public.

Q. When will your next voicebank be released? 

A. Sometime this year, hopefully. (2024)

Q. Can I request your tuned/improv/harmony USTs?

A. This one depends on the song you're asking for - sometimes I will be okay with that, usually with harmonies I make, sometimes I will not, mostly for personal reasons and wanting to keep my cover unique. 

Feel free to ask though, I may let you use the files depending.

 If the original base UST was from someone else, please remember to credit them too.

Q. Can I make a VSQ(x) out of your UST and distribute it?

A. Please credit me if you choose to do so.

Q. Can you help me with [technical problem related to UTAU]?

A. Sure, just ask, I might know the solution. Please be specific.

Q. Can I cosplay your UTAU?

A. Yes! Please show me pictures when you finish.

Q. Why was the Electrolysis Voicebank Discontinued?

A. I've decided to send Electrolysis into a state of permanent beta and cancelled the completion of the OTOs/original release plan. 

The Electrolysis voice bank is still downloadable and available to use, but I do not wish to pursue completion anymore for personal reasons. I may eventually take it offline altogether after the Denki Sai PROOF and Galvan Ize THEORY banks are complete. 

Thank you for understanding and reading.

[Long Explanation Here]

Q. Can I depict or use your UTAU in R-18/Explicit fanwork?

A. Yes. I have no problems with that, in general. Just please use courtesy and common sense about this.