
July 2024

Su Jeong Chun and Seung Hwan Lee joined EMRL as undergraduate intern with U-SURF program. Welcome!

June 2024

Juho Lee's work has been accepted in Nature Communications. Congratulations!

Hyoi Jo's work with Changju Lee has been accepted in Journal of Materials Chemistry A. Congratulations!

Myungju, Ye won joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

February 2024

Sangpyo Lee's work with Youngkyung Kim has been accepted in ACS Energy Letters. Congratulations!

Sang Hyun Lee, Hwa Yeong Kim joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

January 2024

Hyo jun Kim joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

Ji Won Kim, Daeyeon Lee (Integrated course), and Jiye Moon (Master Course) joined EMRL as graduate student. Welcome! 

Honghyun Youn joined EMRL as undergraduate intern with U-WURF program. Welcome!

December 2023

JiHyeon Kim joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

The dry room has been completed in the Battery R&D Center (building 111)

October 2023

Ha yeong joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

Sung-Kyun received POSCO Science Fellowship. EMRL will be supported by POSCO TJ Park Foundation for 2 years. [Press]

September 2023

Joo yeok joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

2024 POSCO Science Fellows

Energy Materials division

August 2023

UNIST & POSTECH jointly held the 2nd symposium of discussion in rechargeable batteries research and development trend. We invited young rising scientist in battery research fields to discuss current status and future direction of battery development (Current Li-ion batteries, Next generation batteries, and Advanced characterization technique) (2022.09)

July 2023

Suho Kim joined EMRL as undergraduate intern with U-SURF program. Welcome!

June 2023

Hyeok Jae, Jeong In, and Haebin, joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

Ga yeong joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

April 2023

Ga yeong joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

March 2023

Sung-Kyun's interview is introduced in C.RIC [Link]

February 2023

Our research article “Unlocking the hidden chemical space in cubic-phase garnet solid electrolyte for efficient quasi-all-solid-state lithium batteries” is selected as Editors' Highlight featured article in "Energy" field in Nature Communications (2023.02) [Link]

Chanhyun Park's recent work has been accepted in Advanced Energy Materials (2023.02) Congratulations!

December 2022
EMRL is introduced in E.Chem magazine published by the Korean Electrochemical Society

November 2022
Sung-Kyun's recent work with Dr. Hyeokjo Gwon has been accepted in Nature Communications

September 2022
EMRL invites young rising scientist in battery research fields to discuss current status and future direction of battery development (Cathode, Electrolyte, Next generation battery, Advanced characterization technique) (2022.09)

EMRL gets research fund from Institute of Civil-Military Technology Cooperation (ICMTC) with all-solid-state battery project (민군협력진흥원) (2022.09)

August 2022
Yeon Gyeong joined EMRL as undergraduate intern. Welcome! 

June 2022
EMRL gets research fund from National Research Foundation with all-solid-state battery project (우수최초혁신실험실) (2022.06)

EMRL gets research fund from Korea Institute for Advancement of Technology (KIAT) with development of research facilities for next-generation batteries (한국산업기술진흥원) (2022.06)

December 2021
Sung-Kyun's recent work with Dr. Hyungsub Kim and Prof. Kisuk Kang has been published in Advanced Functional Materials. [YTN Science][News]

June 2021

Energy Materials Research Lab is open in UNIST

Energy Materials Research Laboratory, School of Energy and Chemical Engineering, Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), 50 UNIST-gil, Ulsan, 44919, Republic of Korea

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