Senior-Only Industry-recognized credential programs

High School Seniors

Boost your earning power when you graduate from high school with an industry-recognized credential!

The Senior Only Credential Program (en Español) is for students in their senior year who have completed most of their curriculum requirements. An industry-credential can be part of your path to graduation. 

OHVA is offering the following senior-only IRC option for the class of 2024:

Rise Up Credentials (3 courses)

There are three RISE Up Credentials that can be earned: 

To earn these credentials, you take stand-alone courses outside of your regular OHVA schedule and track hours spent in an attendance only course shell. Each course should take around 10-15 hours to complete and can be started at any point throughout the year. 

Earning the first two RISE Up credentials meets requirements for the IRC Seal for graduation.

Interested in RISE Up?

Rising Seniors (Class of 2024) only— talk to your school counselor about how to sign up to work towards these credentials. Sign-ups for RISE Up will occur throughout the 2023-24 school year!