This is me

Þetta verkefni er unnið í Book Creator. Byrjaðu á að búa til nýja Book Creator bók og skýrðu hana This is me.

Gerið eftirfarandi verkefni inn í nýju bókina á ensku:

Title Page- Create a title page for the beginning of your project. You can create your own title or just use the title “This is (insert your name)”. Your title page must include the following items: Title, first and last name and photos

Assignment 1: My Past- Where did you grow up? Describe where you spent the bulk of your childhood so that the reader can picture this place through your eyes. Who is your family? 

Requirements: Title your page My Past centered at the top of your page. Remember to decorate the page with pictures. 

Assignment 2: 10 Adjectives- Create a page with 10 adjectives that describe you. 

Assignment 3: My Bucket List- What are 10 things you want to do in your life? These can be places you want to travel, things you want to try, activities you want to participate in, etc. After each item, write one to three sentences explaining why this thing is on your bucket list. 

Requirements: Title your paper My Bucket List,

Verkefnaskil: Skilað inn í skilahólf á Teams.

This is me - Leiðsagnarmat-ST-ST-PF26G5WD.pdf


Þú kemur í námssamtal við kennara til að láta meta heimaverkefnið þitt. Hér við hliðina sérðu hæfniviðmið og viðmið um árangur fyrir verkefnið.

Verkefnið var búið til af kennurum í Hörðuvallaskóla og sett upp fyrir Skapandi heimanám í Stapaskóla af Völu Hrund.