Welcome to Skandia's VIRTUAL Midsommarfest 2024


As Skandia Folkdance Society's current president, I'd like to extend a warm Skandia welcome to everyone joining us this year.  Skandia has presented a traditional Swedish celebration of the summer solstice--Midsommarfest--annually since 1959.  For 2020 and 2021, it was all virtual.

This is our third year of holding a hybrid celebration, so it's possible to enjoy celebrating Midsommarfest this weekend even if you can't join us in person.  One continuing challenge has been to successfully find a way to livestream the pole raising ceremony when the internet connection at the park is somewhat spotty.  We’re trying another option this year and if it works, the link will be available below.  If it doesn’t, you can always enjoy the colorful pole raising ceremony from previous years under the Traditions tab. 

As before, we invite you to enjoy your visit to Skandia's Virtual Midommarfest by browsing through the tabs as if you were wandering through the festival.  You’ll find video clips and photos from previous years along with some fun ways to celebrate Midsommar at home.   Photos and stories from earlier times are under History--especially relevant with this being Skandia’s 75th Anniversary year.

Please take time to sign our Guest Book to let us know you were here.


Chris Dunkle

President, Skandia Folkdance Society

If by a stroke of luck, we're able to live stream 

Skandia’s Pole Raising Ceremony starting at 2:30 pm PDT on Sunday, June 30th, that link will be provided here.


* * Welcome by Petra Hilleberg, Honorary Consul of Sweden to Washington and Oregon * *

Music during pole-raising provided by Hale Bill & the Bopps

Midsommar Terms that describe, in order, what is happening.

LurlåtFanfare on the Nordic lur (birch bark horn) heralds the start of the day's featured ceremony.

Midsommartåget: Traditional procession of greens bearers, musicians, folk dancers, and others in Nordic folk costumes, from the upper grounds to the site of the midsommar pole.

Majning:  Symbolic of the coming of summer, the prone pole is adorned with fresh greenery while the assembled musicians play Swedish spelmanslåtar (folk fiddling tunes).

Majstångsresningen:  This is the moment of truth —the raising of the majstång (greened pole) to its upright position by use of klykor (lashed, crossed poles) in a centuries-old manner, aided by encouraging shouts from all the onlookers.

Ringlekar and långdans:  Everyone who can run is invited to join the traditional ringlekar (game dances) and the serpentine långdans (long-dance) around the raised majstång—all to appropriate live music, of course.

Allspel: The ceremony ends with an allspel (everybody plays) where the musicians assemble on the main stage.


Skandia's Virtual Midsommarfest ends Sunday night, June 30th, at 10 pm PDT.  

Thank YOU!!


Video Performance Contributors 

Many video clips were generously produced for the virtual events by tradition bearers and other performers in the Nordic countries as well as North America. Our thanks to all of you who shared your time and talent to help make this virtual celebration possible. 

Special thanks to

Volunteers who put in significant time & effort 

One man's vision has become a Puget Sound tradition: for the past activities of Gordon Ekvall Tracie, to all the hundreds of past and present volunteers, for the work that led to this year's Fest . . .

Tusen tack!

Q U I C K    L I N K S

If you'd like to support Skandia's efforts to further Nordic cultural traditions, music & dance, here's how  =>