Talks, Notes and Journalism

Since the beginning of 2012, my views on anything to do with macroeconomics (and a few things besides) can be found on my blog, mainly macro. On this page I have listed some earlier notes, presentations or journalism.

Talks and Notes on Topical Issues

May 2013: Comparing NGDP targets to optimal discretion and to UK policy

February 2011: Demand Denial in Macroeconomics

February 2011, revised March 2011: Ten reasons not to raise interest rates

February 2011: In praise of the Monetary Policy Committee (or at least most of them)

November 2010/February 2011: Ideological Aspects of the Financial Crisis

July 2010: What the OBR should and should not do

July 2010: Can the Office for Budget Responsibility be Independent

June 2010: Remarks on What the Office for Budget Responsibility Should Do

May 2010: Going Beyond the Cuts Debate

Feb 2010: Cut Now or Cut Later: the Clash of Letters

Jan 2010: Fiscal Stabilisation and Debt (to the final conference of the ESRC's World Economy and Finance Programme)

Nov 2009: The UK Outlook 2010-12

Oct 2009, updated Feb 2010: On the Office for Budget Responsibility (the UK Fiscal Council) See also this Treasury Select Committee report on the OBR, to which I gave oral evidence.

May 2009: Monetary Policy in the Recovery (to a conference at the Centre for Central Banking Studies at the Bank of England)

Nov 2008: Two Thoughts on the Pre-Budget Report

Sept 2008: Presentation to Cabinet Office on Fiscal Councils

June 2008: Have Central Banks Lost the Plot on Inflation

Jan 2007: Submission to the Treasury Committee (Ten Years of the MPC)


Dec 2010: Austerity or Stimulus? A question of Commitment

Feb 2010: Cutting Now or Later: Making sense of the debate on UK government debt. VoxEU.

2003: Changing the Rules New Economy, New Economy, Vol 10, pp 73-78

2002: Trust the Old Lady, Financial Times: 5/02/2002

2001: The Economics of EMU, New Economy Vol 8, pp 3-8