Research since 2008
What Brexit and Austerity tell us about economics, politics and the media (paper, talk)
Issues in the Design of Fiscal Policy Rules (article, discussion paper)
A general theory of austerity (paper)
The Knowledge Transmission Mechanism and Austerity (paper)
Saltwater vs Freshwater: A small survey of postgraduate macro courses, with Moreira (paper)
The Eurozone's Flaws are not Intrinsic (article)
Unravelling the New Classical Counter Revolution (article)
Fiscal Sustainability in a New Keynesian model, with Leith (article)
Macroeconomic stabilisation in the Eurozone: Lessons from failure (article, blog post)
Aggregate fiscal policy under the Labour government, 1997–2010 (article, blog posts: 1, 2, 3, 4)
Optimal Fiscal Feedback in an economy with Nominal Rigidities, with Kirsanova (article, working paper, discussion, blog post)
Internal consistency, price rigidity and the microfoundations of macroeconomics (article, working paper, discussion)
Lessons from failure: Fiscal Policy, indulgence and ideology (article, discussion)
Debt Stabilisation in a Non-Ricardian Economy, with Leith and Moldovan (working paper, discussion)
Comparing the Delegation of Monetary and Fiscal Policy (working paper, discussion)
What Should Fiscal Councils Do? with Lars Calmfors (article, discussion)
Discretionary Policy in a Monetary Union with Sovereign Debt, with Leith (article, discussion)
Macroeconomic Policy in the light of the Credit Crunch (article, discussion)
Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interaction: The Current Consensus Assignment in the Light of Recent Developments (article, earlier version, discussion)
The possible macroeconomic impact on the UK of an influenza pandemic, with Keogh-Brown, Edmunds, Beutels and Smith (article, working paper, discussion)
When is Monetary Policy all we need? with Eser and Leith (working paper, discussion)
Inflation Bias with Dynamic Phillips Curves and Impatient Policy Makers, with Kirsanova and Vines (article, discussion)
Taylor Rules in an Open Economy, with Leith (article, discussion)
Optimal Debt Policy, and an Institutional Proposal to help in its Implementation, with Kirsanova and Leith (article, earlier version, discussion)
Other recent papers
The Austerity Con (London Review of Books, February 2015)
The Case Against Austerity (full) (short summary)