

Brendan (left two) has been in Taiwan for an exchange program for half a year and is now heading back to the US!

During this time, Brendan has provided incredible support to the lab and completed a project on beetle mate choice. (June 2024)

Congrats to Yu-Shieng on his successful interview to join the Lab! (Mar, 2024)

His research will focus on behavioural adaptation in parents, and its potential to buffer impacts from harsh environments!

New paper is out now in Proc B! 

Sun et al. show biomechanical adaptations enable phoretic mite species to occupy distinct spatial niches on host burying beetles.



Interview with Airiti (華藝數位) is online now! Sun talks about SDG15 and the importance of habitats for terrestrial ecosystem. (Jan, 2024) 


Sun's new paper/old work is finally out, at long last!!!

Past news

We have got good news to share from Wei-Jiun and Yita!

Wei-Jiun has got funding for a year to carry out PhD research project at Virginia Tech!

Yita will also leave temporarily for Finland for exchange, and will be back as our new Master's student at IPCS! (Nov, 2023)

Sun will be presenting our latest research on linking species interactions to ecosystem functions in EntSoc 2023 in National Harbor MD. (Nov, 2023)

Welcome Dr Tanzil Malik to join the Lab. The photo was taken in an indian restaurant. (Oct, 2023)

Sun lab is growing more internationally! (Oct, 2023)

Yita was presenting his work in IPCS on proportional processing of burying beetle host selection in the phoretic mites! (Sep, 2023)

Congratulations to Yita on successfully securing the opportunity for summer intern! 

Yita will be working on the proportional processing of mite choice on burying beetle hosts.

How competitive it is to land an academic position? 

Our new paper, led by Gen-Chang Hsu, compiled data from 145 PI over the past 34 years, to show that it becomes increasingly more competitive, and thus requires more time, to guarantee a position. This finding is especially important and valuable for early career researchers who are seeking for academic positions. (Apr, 2023)

New Papaer out now in Functional Ecology! We show that morphological traits of both hosts and parasites influence the infection outcomes. This might help explain host-parasite coevolutionary dynamics and the associated morphological adaptations. (Apr, 2023)

Welcome Yi-Ta for joining the lab. Yi-Ta is currently an undergrad in Life Science at NTNU, and will take the lead to study proportional processing in host selection in mites ! (Mar, 2023)

There is a up to 3-year postdoc opportunity in the Lab! Please find details below and get in touch if interested! (Feb, 2023)

Two new papers are out now, which we 

Jeff (蔡沐慈) will be joining the lab soon in the coming February. Jeff's previous research focuses on the effect of high temperatures on aphid's reproduction and development. Welcome! (Jan, 2023) 

Sun Lab is now formally ready to go ! (Nov, 2022) 

Sun is awarded two prestigious awards to start the lab: 1) Yushan Young Fellow (玉山青年學者), and 2) 2030 Cross-Generation Young Scholar (2030跨世代年輕學者)! (Aug, 2022) 

There are two research assistant positions available in the Lab! Please check it out!

Sun will be speaking at Taiwanese Entomologists around the world (here is a link), entitled "種內與種間的競爭與合作 (Competition and cooperation within and between species)" at 9:00-10:00 pm (Taiwan) or 8:00-9:00 am (EST) on Saturday, December 18, 2021. The talk will be in Mandarin. Sun will share the study process from Taiwan to the UK and life experience in the UK. Students who are interested in studying abroad or who wants to know more about Sun lab are most welcome! (December, 2021) 

The Sun Lab will formally start in August 2022 at IPCS, National Taiwan University. Get in touch if you are interested in insect resposnes to environmental stressors, e.g., climate change and habitat fragmentation! (August, 2021)