Research Interest: Insurance Economics, Financial Consumer Behavior, Insurance Industry Analysis, Auto Insurance Pricing (Bonus-Malus System), InsurTech and Fintech
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Journals
Chung, Hae Jin, Sojung C. Park*, Xiaoying Xie, 2024, One size does not fit all: The value of information and coexistence of rating agencies, Risk Management and Insurance Review, forthcoming.
Jung, C. W., Park, S. C.*, 2021, Fee-For-Service Health Insurance and Moral Hazard of Hospitals, Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance.
Jeong, Himchan, Emiliano Valdez*, Sojung C. Park, Jaeyun Ahn, 2021, “Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Dependent Compound Risk Models”, Variance 14(1)
Oh, R, Lee. K., Park, S., and Ahn, J.*, 2020, Double-counting problem of the Bonus-Malus system. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics.
Park, C. Sojung, Joseph H.T. Kim, Jae Youn Ahn*, 2018, “Does Hunger for Bonuses Drive the Dependence between Claim Frequency and Severity?”, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 83: 32-46.
Park, C. Sojung*, Xiaoying Xie, Pinghai Rui, 2018, “The Sensitivity of Reinsurance Demand to Counterparty Risks: Evidence from US Property-Liability Insurance Industry”, Journal of Risk and Insurance 86(4),.
Park, C. Sojung* and Sangeun Han, 2017, "Externalities from Driving Luxury Cars", Risk Management and Insurance Review 20(3): 391-427.
Elliot Oblander*, Sojung C. Park, and Jean Lemaire, 2016, “The Cost of High Suicide Rates in Japan and Republic of Korea: Reduced Life Expectancies”, Asia-Pacific Population Journal 31(2): 21-44.
Park, C. Sojung*, Xiaoying Xie, and Jean Lemaire, 2016, “The Opaqueness of Structured Bonds in Insurers’ Assets”, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 41(4): 650-676.
Lemaire, Jean*, Sojung C. Park, and Kili Wang, 2016, “Further Comments on the Paper “Setting a Bonus–Malus Scale in the Presence of Other Rating Factors” by Taylor”, European Actuarial Journal 6(2):495-499.
Park, C. Sojung*, Jean Lemaire, and Kili Wang, 2016, The Use of Annual Mileage as a Rating Variable, ASTIN Bulletin 46(1): 39-69.
Lemaire, Jean*, Sojung C. Park, and Kili Wang, 2015, “The Impact of Covariates on a Bonus-Malus System: An Application of Taylor’s Model”, European Actuarial Journal 5(1): 1-10. Leading paper.
Park, C. Sojung* and Xiaoying Xie, 2014, “Reinsurance and Systemic Risk: Reaction of Property-Casualty Insurers to Reinsurer Downgrading”, Journal of Risk and Insurance 81(3): 581-621.
Park, C. Sojung* and Tokutsune Yasuyuki. 2013, “Do Japanese Policyholders Care About Insurers’ Credit Quality?”, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 38(1): 1-21.
Park, C. Sojung* and Jean Lemaire, 2012, "The Impact of Culture on the Demand for Non-Life Insurance", ASTIN Bulletin (The Journal of the International Actuarial Association) 42(2): 501-527.
Park, C. Sojung* and Jean Lemaire, 2011, “Culture matters: Long-Term Orientation and Life Insurance Demand” Asian Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 5(2): Article 1 Leading paper.
Park, C. Sojung*, Jean Lemaire, and Choong Tze Chua, 2010, “Is the Design of Bonus-Malus Systems Influenced by Insurance Maturity or National Culture?”, The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practice 35: S7-S27: Leading paper.
*: corresponding author
Publications in Peer-Reviewed Korean Journals
박소정, 손준호, 2022, 금융이해력, 거주지와 개인연금 및 보장성 보험 가입의 관계. 보험금융연구
오세경*, 오창수, 박소정, 최시열, 박기남,2018, IFRS 17 보험부채의 할인율 추정에 관한 연구, 보험금융연구전문자료/KIRI_20180913_115240.pdf
박소정, 2018, “계리적 형평성을 위한 실손보험 할인할증제도 도입에 대한 논의”, 공정거래연구 , 공정거래연구 3(3): 1-23.
Jae Youn Ahn*, Woojoo Lee, Sojung C. Park, 2019, “Investigating Dependence between Frequency and Severity via Simple Generalized Linear Models”, Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 48(1): 13-28 .
Park, C. Sojung*, 2018, Investors Overreaction to the Extreme Events: Evidence from the 9/11 Terrorism, Seoul Journal of Business 24(2):
Kim, Bum* and Sojung C. Park, 2016, "Mergers and Acquisitions in the U.S. Insurance Industry", 재무연구 29(4): 521-545.
김범*, 박소정, 2016, "보험사 인수합병은 기업가치를 상승시키는가? – 아세안 국가의 보험사 실증분석", 리스크관리연구 27(3): 1-23.
정홍주, 진춘화*, 박소정, 빈센조세나토르, 2015, “이탈리아와 중국의 출퇴근재해 산재보상 제도 분석- 한국에 대한 정책적 시사점, “사회보장연구 31(4): 253-277.
박나영, 박소정*, 2015, “손해보험사의 보험연계증권 가격결정과 투자가치 평가 26(2): 63-114 .
Moon, Jungbien* and Sojung C. Park, 2014, “Measuring the Costs and Benefits of CSR through Shareholder Value”, Journal of Knowledge Studies 12(1): 266-294.
*: corresponding author
Other Publications: Research Reports and Media Coverages
"100% 보장 실손보험 760만명... 지금 의료비 부담은 폭탄의 시작", 2024/12/3. 조선일보.
디지털 금융이해력에 관한 연구, 2024, 보험연구원.
사물인터넷과 보험, 2019, 방재와 보험 171: 24-29.
인슈어테크가 가져올 보험사 가치사슬의 변화,
* Korean Version: 2017, the Risk 4(4): 12-22.
* English Version: 2018, the Risk Special Edition: 13-24.
핀테크 활용한 보험금 간편청구 못할 이유 없다, 한국경제, Oct. 21, 2018.
블록체인기술과 보험산업, 2018년 10월, 월간생명보험 476호.
P2P 보험의 이해, 2018년 9월, 월간생명보험 475호.
디지털 채널과 상품의 혁신, 2018년 8월, 월간생명보험 474호.
인슈어테크 혁명: 현황 점검 및 과제 고찰, Nov. 2017, 보험연구원.
미국 자동차보험 요율 규제 및 시사점, Sep. 2016, 월간손해보험 574호: 30-39.
외제차 외부효과와 자동차 보험, May. 2015, 월간손해보험 558호: 6-13.
자동차보험 할인할증제도의 변화, Sep. 2014, 월간손해보험 550호: 7-11.
자동차보험 할인할증제도 변경과 그 타당성 – 역선택과 도덕적 해이의 이해, NH 금융리뷰, 2017. 2. 24
이상한 차보험 할증제, 매일경제, 2014.2.7.
Conference Presentations and other Talks
2024: IAFICO annual conference, ARIA annual conference, TRIA annual conference
2022: IAFICO annual conference, APRIA annual conference keynote speech
2021: KEA annual conference, ARIA annual conference, Korea Risk Management Society bi-annual conference, IAFICO annual conference keynote speech
2020: IAFICO annual conference
2018: APRIA annual conference, IAFICO annual conference, Korea Risk Management Society bi-annual conference, Financial Economics Research Center seminar at Seoul National University
2017: APRIA annual conference, Korea Risk Management Society bi-annual conference,
2016: WRIA annual conference, East Asia Risk Management and Insurance Conference, UNIST finance seminar, IRFRC annual conference, IAFICO annual conference, Financial Economics Research Center seminar at Seoul National University
2015: Korea Risk Management Society bi-annual conference, IRFRC(Insurance Risk and Finance Research Centre) annual conference, WRIEC conference (3x), Statistics department seminar at Ehwa Woman’s University, Finance department seminar at Korea University, IAFICO(International Academy of Financial Consumers) annual conference
2014: Korean Insurance Association bi-annual meeting, Korean Risk Management Association bi-annual meeting, Risk forum seminar at Korean Insurance Research Institution (KIRI), Korean Financial Engineering Society Annual Meeting, Financial Engineering and Banking Society Annual meeting
2013: WRIA (Western Risk and Insurance Association) annual conference,
2012: ASSA/ARIA annual conference, APRIA annual conference (3x), ARIA annual conference, Luncheon seminar at Seoul National University, Korea Management Engineers Society annual conference, Finance Seminar at KAIST, Financial Economics Research Center seminar at Seoul National University
2011: Insurance Seminar at Temple University, Risk Theory Society annual meeting, ARIA annual conference, Convergence, Interconnectedness, and Crisis: Insurance and Banking Conference
2010: FMA annual conference, NBER (National Bureau of Economic Research) Catastrophic risk and
insurance group meeting, WRIEC (World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress) conference (2x)
2009: ARIA (American Risk and Insurance Association) annual conference, FMA annual conference
2008: FMA (Financial Management Association) annual conference, California State University, Fullerton
Other Invited Talks
디지털 금융문해력에 대한 이해 세미나, 보험연구원 Nov. 2023
APRIA annual conference keynote speech, July. 2022
포항공대 산업공학과 세미나, 2022
IAFICO annual conference keynote speech, 2021
자율자동차와 보험, 서울대학교 경영대학 & 보험연구원 공동세미나, 2021. [Media overages:]
IFRS 17의 이해 – 서울대학교 시장과 정부센터 세미나 발표, Dec. 11th , 2018.
IFRS 17 주요 이슈별 실무 적용사례 세미나, 생명보험 협회 주최, Nov. 19th , 2018.
4차 산업혁명 기술을 활용한 재난안전관리 동향 및 전망 세미나 발표, 리스크관리학회, 화재보험협회 공동주최, 화재보험협회, Oct, 2018 [Media coverages:]
Keynote Speaker at 18th Asian Reinsurers’ Summit, Four Seasons Seoul, Oct. 18th, 2018.
Keynote Speaker at Korean Re Reinsurance Management Seminar, May. 17th, 2018.
2018년 1학기 서울대학교 산업공학세미나 발표, Mar. 30th , 2018.
IT기술의 발전과 보험산업의 변화 세미나 발표자, 한국리스크관리학회, 화재보험협회 공동주최, Oct, 2017 [Media coverages:]
한국보험계리사회 4차 아카데믹 컨퍼런스 발표자, Sep 22, 2017 th
문재인케어 추진에 따른 실손보험의 역할 진단 토론회 패널 토론, 김상희 의원, 이학영 의원 주최, 국회도서관, Sep, 2017 [Media coverages:]
법제처 세미나 발표, 법제처, Aug. 10th , 2017.
4차 산업혁명과 인슈어테크 활용 국제세미나 발표, 보험연구원, 생명보험협회 공동주최, 대한상공회의소, June, 2017 [Media coverages:]
자동차 보험 할인할증제도 개선 공청회 발제자, 보험개발원, 금융감독원 공동주최, 국회도서관, Feb, 2017 [Media coverages:]
실손보험 제도 개선 공청회 패널 토론, 보험연구원 주최, 서울상공회의소, Nov, 2016 [Media coverages:]
보험사 시스테믹 리스크 세미나 발표, 한국은행, Nov, 2015
GARP (Global Association of Risk Professionals) Korean Chapter inception meeting keynote speaker, July, 2014
자동차 보험 할인할증제도 개선 공청회, 보험개발원, 민병두 의원 공동주최, 국회도서관, Feb., 2014 [Media coverages:]
Catastrophic Risk and Insurance, Global Catastrophe Risk Forum, MCBE, Cal State, Fullerton, May, 2011
Earthquake and Insurance, Jim Gutmann Speaker Series, MCBE, Cal State, Fullerton, March, 2011
Samsung Scholarship 2010 Academic Camp Alumni Talk, Yosemite, CA, August 2010