Other Positions

I have rendered a multitude of services to academic societies, educational institutions, as well as corporate and public sectors mostly within the realms of insurance and finance. 

 Academic Positions

Ad-hoc Referee for Journal of Risk and Insurance, ASTIN Bulletin, The Financial Review, Journal of Financial Services Research, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance Practice, Risk Management and Insurance Review, Journal of Economics and Business, Service Industries Journal, Seoul Journal of Business, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Asia Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance, Journal of Korea Trade, 보험금융연구], 보험학회지, 금융소비자연구 , 리스크관리연구, 한국증권학회지, 사학연금연구,  and  금융안정연구

Member of 한국보험학회, 한국리스크관리학회, American Risk and Insurance Association (ARIA), Asia Pacific Risk and Insurance Association (APRIA) 

Services at School 

Public Sector Positions

Corporate Sector Positions 

Bold: current positions