
Company: Gorvernment Employee Medical Scheme (GEMS)

Role: Web Master, Information Communication Technology (ICT) Department

Duration: 24 May 21 - Till current

Responsibilities and Duties

  • Build functional websites that are easy to use

  • Collaborate with marketing staff on website ad campaigns

  • Collaborate with designers to agree on the design(s) for the website

  • Create a website style guide for cohesive design elements across all pages

  • Test website using different devices, browsers, and operating systems

  • Update content and update with current SEO trends

  • Monitor, analyze, and report on all online traffic

  • Analyze site performance

  • Ensure website and web server functionality, and efficiency

  • Make sure hardware and software are functioning

  • Respond to user complaints quickly and appropriately

  • Manage access right for users

  • Maintain and configure virtual and cloud-based servers

  • Setup login pages

  • Optimize site loading speeds

  • fix broken links and images

  • Meet with management and report regularly on current functionality and plans for future functionality

  • Perform any necessary updates

  • Minimize downtime

  • Communicate with management on ways to improve the usability

  • Respond to user comments and inquiries.

Company: FNB Core Banking Applications

Role: Test Automation Engineer

Duration: 01 May 19 - 31 May 20

Job Description

The person in this position is responsible for the design and development of automated testing; in addition to the creation, execution and maintenance of automated scripts; whilst increasing test coverage using the automated systems.

Responsibilities and Duties

  • .Develop new test framework, test suites and tools to validate product specific features and use cases.

  • Design and write test automation scripts; using the test automation framework.

  • Investigate problems in the software as a result of testing.

  • Test modifications to products to ensure they are fit for purpose, consistent, and compliant with published standards and guidelines.

  • Write test plan documentation from requirements specifications.

  • Review all testing documents and other test-related documentation.

  • Implement the overall test strategy

  • Identify issues, risks, dependency escalation and mange where appropriate.

  • Provide product handovers to both technical and non-technical audiences.

  • Provide feedback to developers about automated testing strategies, design fixes,and patches.

  • Preform System load tests for new products.

Company: Command Quality

Role: Java 8 - Oracle Associate Intern

Duration: 07 Jan 19 - 30 Apr 19

Job Description

Intern duties were to prepare for the Java Oracle Associate Exam to be written on the 26 April '19; and to get familiarly with the technology used by software development and the testing industry.
