Sizwe Mkhonza

Computer Systems Engineer

Perpetual Pursuit of Excellence


As a driven individual with a strong background in computer systems, I possess a unique blend of technical skills and experience in computer networking and Java programming. My professional journey has been marked by notable achievements, including previous work on the java-test automation back-end at a leading financial institution and current contributions to upscaling front-end mobile and desktop applications for a medical aid company.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I am passionate about technology and enjoy exploring innovative solutions in my free time. This curiosity drives me to strive for excellence in all aspects of my life, including academics, professional endeavors, and personal goals.

As a highly motivated and ambitious individual, I am eager to leverage my skills and expertise to secure challenging opportunities in the technology field. Specifically, I am interested in exploring roles in programming, networking, and software development, as well as offering consultation services to potential clients or employers.

I invite readers to explore this site further, which serves as a platform for me to share my professional growth, goals, and aspirations. As this profile evolves, it will reflect my ongoing academic, career, and personal developments.

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Who Am I?

I am a dedicated software developer and tester with a strong academic background in Computer System Engineering from the Vaal University of Technology. My passion lies in unraveling the intricacies of technology, driving me to continually explore and exploit new concepts.

Currently, I serve as a Web Master at GEMS, where I am committed to modernizing legacy systems and pushing the boundaries of innovation. I am eager to expand my knowledge and skills within this role, embracing opportunities for growth and development.

What I value

I appreciate organizations that foster a culture of growth, creativity, and employee empowerment – an attribute I have witnessed firsthand during my experience working on GEMS new Member Portal (June-September 2021). This collaboration has been instrumental in shaping my understanding of the importance of teamwork and effective communication.

My Personal Pursuits

In addition to my professional endeavors, I allocate part-time to furthering my knowledge in information security (info-sec) and development security (dev-sec). My free time is also spent on problem-solving and tinkering with various projects, which can be found on my Git Hub repository.

Why You’re Qualified?

With over three years of experience in System Engineering, I've consistently invested in developing my skills and expertise through self-directed studies. My self-taught proficiency includes:

To further demonstrate my technical capabilities, I've acquired the following certifications:

Why You’re Here?

As a motivated individual, I'm driven by a desire to leverage my technical expertise as a Systems Engineer to drive positive change. I aim to apply the knowledge and skills I've acquired to address real-world challenges, making a meaningful impact on individuals and organizations.

I'm seeking a dynamic work environment that combines test automation, info-sec, or similar innovative domains with opportunities for learning and growth. I'd relish the chance to collaborate with your team, leveraging my skills and passion for technology to drive innovation and advance my career as a systems engineer.
