Jul 2024: Siva delivered talks in the Department of Physics of IIT Gandhinagar and the 6th Biogroup India Meeting held at IIT Gandhinagar. The talks highlighted our group's activities on understanding the statistical physics underlying the life of a bacteria in a drop.

Jul 2024: Ever wondered about the microscopic dynamics underlying the beautiful flow patterns of the collective dynamics underlying bacterial suspensions? Do read our recent Physical Review E Letter for the answer.  (Research)

May 2024: Looking for interested candidates for Institute Post Doc positions (Positions)

May 2024: In our recent ACS Polymers Au paper, we revealed a subtle interplay between dewetting and concentration decomposition in deciding evaporation-induced patterns of polymer solutions. This will be published as a part of the special edition on "polymer science and engineering in India". Do wait for the publication details.  (Research)

Apr 2024: In collaboration with Napolitano's group at the Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, we revealed molecular pathways via which the fast processing-induced stresses in polymers relax. Refer to our Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters for more details. (Research)

Apr 2024: Our group activities were presented through posters and table talks by Dhananjay, Hemlata, and Parth on Research Scholar Day, Department of Physics, IITK. (Conferences)

Apr 2024: Siva gave a talk on "Harnessing Activity Controls the Microscopic Dynamics Underlying Bacterial Turbulence" at the 9th Indian Statistical Physics Meeting held at ICTS Bengaluru. (Conferences)

Mar 2024: Siva gave a lecture on "Traffic Rules of Microbial Communities" in the Short Term Course on Traffic Flow Simulation and Theory at IITK.  (Conferences)

Feb 2024: Siva gave a talk on "Microscopic Dynamics Underlying the Emergence of Bacterial Turbulence" at the Symposium on Active and Living Matter, held at IIT Bombay. (Conferences)

Dec 2023: Hemlata gets the best poster award in the COMPFLU 2023. Congratulations. (Awards)

Dec 2023: Our group activities were presented through posters and table talks by Pankaj, Dhananjay, and Siva in COMPFLU 2023. (Conferences)

Dec 2023: Siva chaired a session on "Thin Films and Membranes" in COMPFLU 2023. (Conferences)

Nov 2023: Dhananjay gets the Prime Minister's Research Fellowship (PMRF). Congratulations.  (Awards)

Aug 2023: We got funded (STARS-IISc MoE)  (Funding)

Jun 2023: Hemlata gets the Class of  1968 Creative Research Proposal Prize. Congratulations. (Awards)

Jun 2023: Soft Matter Young Investigator (Advisory Committee) Meeting at Uttarakhand. (Conferences)

Feb 2023: In collaboration with Krishnacharya's group at the Department of Physics, IIT Kanpur, we revealed electric field-induced reversible wetting dewetting transition. Refer to our Advanced Materials and Interfaces for more details. (Research)

Oct 2022: We got funded (DST-AMT) (Funding)

Jun 2022: Soft Matter Young Investigator (Organizing Committee) Meeting at Mysore. (Conferences)

May 2022: Our collaborative work, with Saravanan Matheswaran's group, on the importance of chemical stresses in switching the motility of bacteria in biofilms, is out in BioRxiv. (Research)

Apr 2022: In collaboration with Jun Xu's group and Guenter Reiter, we revealed a frugal approach to probe the primary nucleation in metastable solutions of polymers. Do read our work on Macromolecules for more details. (Research)

Mar 2022: We, with Guenter Reiter,  summarized our perspective on the non-equilibrium properties of polymer films in a Book Chapter in Macromolecular Engineering: From Precise Synthesis to Macroscopic Materials and Applications. (Research)

Dec 2021: In collaboration with Jaydeep Basu's group, we revealed how an interplay of enthalpic and entropic barriers allows us to tune the kinetics of particle penetration in high-density polymer nanocomposite layers. Check our Soft Matter paper for more. (Research)

Dec 2021: We got funded (SRG, SERB) (Funding)

Jun 2021: Virtual Soft Matter Young Investigator (Presented) Meeting. (Conferences)

Mar 2021: Ever wondered about the microscopic moves underlying the gelation of egg white? Take a look at our Physical Review Letters, in collaboration with Frank Schreiber's group, revealing the structure formation and the microscopic dynamics underlying gelation. (Research)

Dec 2020: Virtual COMPFLU'20. (Conferences)