Conference Programme

Day 1

19 June 2024

Registration at Windsor Building 9:00 - 11:00


Conference Opening (Windsor Auditorium)

Carlotta Paltrinieri & Giuliana Pieri 


Keynote 1 (Windsor Auditorium):
Gender troubles. Questioni linguistiche nell’Italia di oggi?

A Dialogue between Vera Gheno & Gigliola Sulis;
moderated by Carlotta Paltrinieri 

Lunch Break at Windsor Building 13:00 - 14:30


A) Envisioning Dante I  (Windsor Auditorium)
B) Il Gotico in Italia I (Room 0-02)
C) Temporal Tremors. Anxiety in the Making of Italian Lyric Poetry I (Room 0-03)
D) Italian Multidimensional Forgetting I (Room 0-04)
E) Women and Religion in Italian Literary Culture (Room 0-05)
F) Life and Afterlife of Dante’s Convivio  (Room 1-02)
G) Literature and Political Thought (Room 1-03)
H) New Perspectives for the Project “Dante LiMINA” I (Room 1-04)

I) Italian Studies Across Disciplines: Tools and Technologies  (Room 1-05)

Coffee & Tea Break at Windsor Building 16:00 - 16:30


A) Envisioning Dante II (Room 0-05)
B) Il Gotico in Italia II (Room 0-02)
C) Temporal Tremors. Anxiety in the Making of Italian Lyric Poetry II (Room 0-03)
D) Italian Multidimensional Forgetting II (Room 0-04)
E) Primo Levi Digital Commentary (Room 1-02)
F) Multimediality and Orality in Teaching, Learning, and Research (Room 1-03)
G) New perspectives for the projet “Dante LiMINA” II  (Room 1-04)
H) Per un’epica delle corti: il Mambriano di Francesco Cieco da Ferrara
(Room 1-05)

(Opt-in) Buffet Dinner at Founders 19:00-21:00

Day 2

20 June 2024

Registration at Windsor Building 9:00-11:00


A) Dante’s Landscapes between the Classical Tradition and Contemporary Critical Theory (Room 0-02)
B) Women Out Loud: presence, visibility, representations in public space (1830-1920) (Room 0-03)
C) New Strategies in Italian Language Pedagogy (Room 0-04)
D) Re-mediating memories of Italian colonialism in archive and object collections (Room 0-05) 
E) New Directions in Medieval Cultures I (Room 1-02)
F) Text, Image, and Intermediality  (Room 1-03)
G) La nuova testualità metamoderna: letteratura ergodica, digitale e intelligenza artificiale  (Room 1-04)
H) Narratives from the Periphery: Translating Regional and Urban Identities of 20th-21st century Italy (Room 1-05)

Coffee & Tea Break at Windsor Building 10:30-11:00


A) “Un grande libro genererà infiniti libri”: New Methodological Reflections on Dante’s Contemporary Reception  (Room 0-02)
B) Fascism at 100+: An Interdisciplinary Re-Interpretation (Room 0-03)
C) Using New Technology for Learning, Teaching, and Assessment in the Italian Language Class (Room 0-04)
D) Book Launch: Dante's Vita nova: A Collaborative Reading  (Room 0-05)
E) Multicultural encounters across Italy (Room 1-02)
F) Real and Fictional Women in Italian Societies (Room 1-03)
G) Modern Women Writers (Room 1-04)

Lunch Break at Windsor Building 12:30 - 14:00
[Picture Gallery Walk-Ins Available]


A) Cultures and Politics of the Printed Media in the Long 19th Century
(Room 0-02)
B) New Perspectives on the Lyric: Authorship, Circulation, and Communities  (Room 0-03)
C) Posthuman, Ecology, and Literary Hybridisations (Room 0-04)
D) Postcolonial Gramsci(s?) in transhistorical perspective (Room 0-05)
E) Unruly Anthologies in/of 20th- and 21st-century Italy  (Room 1-02)
F) Heart, Gestures and Emotions in the 19th century Italian Writers (Room 1-03)
G) Scribes, Imitators, and Illustrators of Dante in the Middle Ages and Renaissance (Room 1-04)
H) Thinking with Primo Levi (Room 1-05)

Coffee & Tea Break at Windsor Building 15:30-16:00


A) Claiming Dante: Nation, Nationalism, Transnationalism  (Room 0-02)
B) Vernacular Translations of Greek Texts in the Italian Renaissance: Authors, Methods, Contexts of Reception (Room 0-03)
C) New Approaches in Cinema and Media Studies (Room 0-04)
D) New Approaches in Comparative Literature (Room 0-05)
E) Aspetti della religiosità tra XIV e XV secolo: la Bibbia tra citazioni, riscritture e strategie retoriche (Room 1-02)
F) Italian Social Media  (Room 1-03)
G) New Intermedial Approaches (Room 1-04)


Keynote 2 (Windsor Auditorium)

A Dialogue between Roberta Cremoncini & Nicola Lucchi; moderated by Giuliana Pieri

(Opt-in) Barbecue Dinner at Founders 19:00-21:00

Day 3

21 June 2024

Registration at Windsor Building 9:00-11:00


A) From Page to Stage and Vice Versa: Theatre and Novella from Boccaccio to Pirandello I (Room 0-02)
B) Arricchire il proprio Paese di tesori». Forme epistolari del transfert culturale nella storia della letteratura italiana I  (Room 0-03)
C) Ekphrasis as Transmedia Creating Mimesis from Antiquity to the Digital Age  I (Room 0-04)
D)Verismo in digitale: le grandi opere e la ricezione attraverso le Digital Humanities (Room 0-05)
E) Asking for Justice. Rage, Hope, imagination: “sense of justice” in the late modern Italian literature (Room 1-02)
F) Material Legacies of Fascism: Afterlives of Totalitarian Spaces  (Room 1-03)
G) New Directions in Medieval Cultures II (Room 1-04)
H) The David Rizzio Project: David Rizzio across Arts and Media (Room 1-05)

Coffee & Tea Break at Windsor Building 10:30-11:00


A) From Page to Stage and Vice Versa: Theatre and Novella from Boccaccio to Pirandello II   (Room 0-02)
B) Arricchire il proprio Paese di tesori». Forme epistolari del transfert culturale nella storia della letteratura italiana II  (Room 0-03)
C) Ekphrasis as Transmedia Creating Mimesis from Antiquity to the Digital Age  II (Room 0-04)
D) Philosophical and Psychological Approaches to Literature  (Room 0-05)
E) Politics, Migration and Literature in Post-War Italy  (Room 1-02)

F) Disrupting Artistic Boundaries from Futurism to Digital Convergence: Intermedia in Italy (Room 1-03)
G) Against the system: the Antiacademism of the Three Crowns (Room 1-04)
H) Lithic and Liquid: Representations and Methodologies on Water and Stone in the Italian Context (Room 1-05)

Lunch Break at Windsor Building 12:30 - 13:30


Session A: Professional Development & Employability Workshop
the SIS Early Career Representatives (Room 0-04)

Session B: Linguistic inclusivity in second language acquisition: A Roundtable (Room 0-05)
Michela Baldo, Francesca Calamita, Luca Malici, Emanuela Patti (moderator: Ambra Anelotti) 


Conference Closing (Windsor Auditorium)

Carlotta Paltrinieri & Giuliana Pieri