Research Interest

Nucleic Acid-Protein Interactions

We aim to understand the mechanism of interactions of various key proteins that play a crucial role in DNA repair pathways. When DNA is exposed to high-doses of radiations or toxic chemical agents, double-stranded breaks or single-stranded gaps may occur. In order for the cell to survive, it must repair these breaks within a given time-frame. The cells achieve this with the help of various DNA-repair pathway proteins. These are highly efficient tiny molecular motors, generally driven by ATP that works in a co-operative manner to repair the breaks in the DNA. We are interested in monitoring their activity in 'real-time' at single molecule level to gain a more realistic and accurate picture of the process.

Secondary Structures of Nucleic Acids

Nucleic acids can adapt various secondary structures during cellular processes. It is also known that specific regions of genomes of various organisms are enriched with specific secondary structures. Previous research has shown that main parameters that control the conformations of these secondary structures are pH and salt concentrations. We aim to understand the breathing dynamics of the nucleic acid secondary structures upon pH alteration and changes in salt concentrations.

DNA Repair Mechanisms

DNA repair is a process in which a damaged DNA is recognized and then corrected. If unchecked, these 'errors' can cause structural damage to the DNA molecule and can alter the cells ability to transcribe a specific gene or even the replication of the entire genome. DNA plays myriad of roles in cell division and that's why DNA repair is closely associated with cell cycle. Depending upon the nature of damage, various DNA repair pathways exist in both Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Our lab aims to understand the contribution of some of the key players (DNA repair proteins) of this process in a more fundamental level.