This is a short summary and some opinions about the activity carried out in INS Santa Eulalia in Terrassa (November 2015). This video has been made by some students of audio-visual communications at the same institute. Some teachers and students will tell us their opinions about this activity.
This video was shot at the Santa Eulalial (Terrassa) in November 2016. In this video you can see some photos of the activity and some videos of students of all levels of ESO singing and having fun with our activity.
This video was shot at the "Highlands Pub " in Tarragona (February 2013). As you can see, there are many sections where video filters have been applied in order to protect the privacy of all the students and teachers who participated with us Singing Along. It is just a short summary of the whole show, which was carried out for the EOI Tarragona.
This video was shot at the "JORNADES DE LLENGÜES ESTRANGERES" in Tarragona (November 2007). As you can see, there are many sections where video filters have been applied in order to protect the privacy of all the people who participated with us Singing Along. It is just a short summary of the whole show.