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My brother has held this against me for a while; every so often he asks me why I like playing sims, I give him a reason such as "I like making sims and walking with them through life" and just goes "and? anything else?" and most of the time I draw a blank because it's not a conversation I'm ever prepared for.

There's a wifi outage where I live so naturally I'm like why don't I just play sims till it's fixed. But ea app requires wifi just to SIGN IN. Are you kidding me? And you can't open the sims without the ea app. I just really don't like how ea is making things unusable.

That it will basically be a Sims take on Fortnite X Roblox, where it's all online multiplayer, and EA switches up the world occasionally, and other players can sell "custom skins" for sims to other players.

I find myself wondering, why did the sims team not give us a birthday cake like we had in TS3 and TS2? Why do we have to manually click on the fridge, click "cook..", find the cake, and click that? It would be a thousand times easier just to make a birthday cake item!

I think the novelty has worn off more and more for me with the fact that Sims 4 has soooo many packs. Like why couldn't EA just do 2 packs like they have always done. Kits are ridiculous. (especially in a pandemic and prices are going higher and higher. Its not fair on people who have to miss out on certain packs cause there's too many of them, and it's hard for them to decide what's worth their money) And most of the packs aren't that organised or good. Like I feel like there's not enough content in build and buy mode. And the packs are all over the place. Like why couldn't they just make a supernatural pack like sims 3 and sims 2. Yet they've done it individually. (Realm of magic & Vampires) And why didn't they include werewolves, fairies and genies or even a new supernatural creature? Like come on.

Also the fact that the worlds are tiny! So so tiny. Yes I know they didn't do open world this time. But sims 2 had massive worlds and it wasnt even a open world, and u could delete lots and plan new ones.

I've actually gone back to Sims 2 and sims 3 recently. But I only play sims 4 now and again cause of a good few packs, the graphics are better, create a sim is better, and hugely because of mods. Mods make the game sooo much better.

I've been playing sims for years. Ever since I was a kid. And I've played all of them. It's created so many memories for me, and it's been so fun. But I feel like EA has lost sight in most areas of what makes a good sims game.

Okay, so im playing Sims since i was like 5 or 6. My mom was also a Simmer and she was playing it before i was born. Since i started playing Sims i thought it's the adult's job to build a house but now i see: I CANT. After more than a decade of playing the sims i still make a box with 10 windows. Is there a trick or am i just untalented?

The reason why gameplay becomes stale so fast is because there really isn't a challenge and it's so easy to maintain your sims' health and achieve goals. There's no depth to the aspiration system and personality traits are nothing but mild inconveniences.

Hi, I've been desperately wanting to play the Sims 2 for a long time now and have a fairly new computer (about a year old) and have heard very mixed things about how sims 2 runs on newer PCs. I have most sims discs still but unfortunately not the ultimate edition one which to my understanding was adapted to newer computers. I've seen both people saying you can't run it on windows 10 AND people who say it runs perfectly fine.

the game looks good but actually playing it is a pain, the sims 2 with lazy duchess' launcher with story progression and fixed time mechanics literally feels like the sims 4 but better (except for CAS i guess). i see no reason to play it.

CC Magic installs new custom content easily, can organize it, and can even install unzipped files for you. Installing .sims3pack files through CC Magic prevents them from clogging up the launcher (which can lead to slower loading times).

This mod adds a custom version of the import and export system used to create Library families. With this, it is possible to transfer entire towns worth of sims, preserving relationships across households, and reducing the amount of manual intervention required afterward.

Getting sims to do things together is much easier in Sims 4. This is actually one of my favorite things about The Sims 4, and in my opinion is a criminally underrated improvement to the series. In previous installments, getting your sim to do an activity together with a group of NPC sims was downright infuriating. Let's take sitting together in the hot tub as an example. In previous games, including Sims 3, if you wanted your sim to sit in the hot tub with her NPC friends, you had to individually click on each one of them and "Invite to join". The result was often that, by the time the last sim finally climbed into the hot tub, the first couple sims to get in were already getting out because their fun or hygiene bars were full. This was infuriating, and it applied to a bunch of activities, like sitting together and talking. But the Sims 4 introduced "together" interactions (as part of the Get Together expansion). These are brilliant, because if your sim is at a party or a club gathering or any other kind of group outing, you can simply click on the hot tub and select "Sit in hot tub together", and everyone in the group will make their way over there and actually sit in the hot tub together! You can use this for getting everyone to chat on the couch together, or dance together, or have a snowball fight together, or have a bunch of kids play on the playground together, etc. It's one of the best quality-of-life improvements the series has ever seen.

In the Sims 4, sims can actually walk past each other. People don't talk about this much anymore, but it's one of the reasons I don't think I can go back to any of the older games (even the beloved Sims 2). In retrospect, I have no idea how we all put up with sims being unable to walk past each other for fifteen years.

Everything in Sims 3 was a rabbit hole. Or at least that's how it felt. Spa? That's a rabbit hole. Restaurant? That's a rabbit hole. Stores? Rabbit holes. Sure, spas were a base game thing in Sims 3, but they were just a rabbit hole, so what's the point? In the Sims 4 spas are locked behind a game pack, but at least there's actual interactivity there. You actually get to see your sim go in and get a massage and do their mud bath and all that. Sims 3, you just click on the spa and select your package. Bleh. Sure, your teen sims could go to prom in the Sims 3, but they didn't actually go to the prom - they went to a rabbithole labeled "prom" that just happened to be the school building but with different flavor text. In fact, rabbit holes were so bad and so pervasive in Sims 3 that, before Sims 4 came out, we used to joke about how The Sims 4 would probably turn all the rooms in your house into rabbit holes. Like the kitchen would be a rabbit hole that you click on and select "eat salad", and the living room would be a rabbit hole where you'd just click on "spend time with family". Sims 3 rabbitholes were so bad that that seemed like the next logical step.

The Sims in Sims 3 were ugly. I'm sorry, but they were. And every single day, I see someone posting screenshots here from Sims 3 and those sims are still ugly. No matter how many mods you pile on it, they're just so ugly. At first, I didn't know whether I liked Sims 4's more cartoonish feel, but I quickly grew to love it. I could spend hours creating sims in The Sims 4, and I love the way my sims look. Yes, aesthetics is important, and I'm tired of pretending it's not.

The open world in Sims 3 was so dead and empty. Almost no matter what lot my sims visited, there would be maybe two or three other sims there max. It was very boring. I have memories of sending my sim to the dance club, where she proceeded to dance by herself because the only other people there were Gobias Koffi and the bartender. In contrast, pretty much any lot I visit in the Sims 4 fills up pretty quickly. I've seen the dance club in Sims 4 get filled up to the point where we have twenty or more sims on the dance floor. Just recently two of my sims went to the bar in the university neighborhood for New Year's Eve, and we ended up with two dozen NPC's doing the countdown to midnight! The whole game is lively and vibrant as hell! (I would be remiss if I failed to mention that in the Sims 4 it takes a minute for NPC's to really start showing up, but they do show up, whereas Sims 3 lots just stay empty) 2351a5e196

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