The pack re-introduces the college experience to the game, along with the return of the Servo life state. Its new world of Britechester is home to two rival campuses: the University of Britechester and Foxbury Institute. Additional features include roommates, law, education, and engineering careers, toilet stalls, and bicycles. It is a spiritual successor to The Sims 2: University and The Sims 3: University Life, with minor elements from The Sims 2: Open for Business, The Sims 2: Apartment Life, The Sims 3: Ambitions, and The Sims 3: Into the Future. It is also the first university-themed pack that allows Sims to attend university off-campus and allows non-students to visit and live in the campus world.

The Sims 4: Discover University introduces thirteen degrees that are available at any university. Sims can take up to four classes per semester toward any normal degree, and each degree is associated with a few skills. Every full-time career benefits from at least one associated degree. There are also Distinguish degrees that will offer a higher career level than a normal degree, however, it requires more proficiency in skills and education than a normal degree to qualify.

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Sims can have a roommate whether they attend university or not, by placing an ad. Multiple Sims will show up as applications, and you can select among them who you'd like to be a roommate. They will pay a portion of the household's bills each week. What they might not do, is clean up after themselves. Some roommates are hellish, while others are great to live with. They are added as a NPC to the household, meaning you won't have much (if any) control over their actions.

There are a total 13 degrees available in Discover University, with each university offering the same degrees in some form. However, each degree has a Distinguished variety. While you will never be turned down enrolling for a regular degree, Sims can indeed be rejected from distinguished degrees based on comments from the developer livestream.

Graduation Requirements: In order to graduate sims require a total of 12 course credits. You can pursue up to 4 credits in a term, with elective counting toward your degree. A term is one Sim week, with courses taking place on weekdays. You can take one elective per session - use this to boost a skill that helps your Sim in some way but isn't needed for their future career.

When you move into campus living, you are splitting from the household. I'm not sure what happens after graduation, but while you are attending you are in a separate household so your other sims will be idle.

Ok, so can I do the roommate search thing to move into a dorm on campus? So that I don't have to buy the place, or join household with the existing tenants (which would then mean I have to control them). I am wondering how having NPC roomies will play out, seeing how stupid sims are if you don't give them commands. Especially the way they always want to go to bed too early, then get themselves into a vicious cycle of getting up too early, going to work/class already down to 50% energy, come home drop dead exhausted and go to bed immediately...

Sims don't get negative moodlets from the more expensive min-fridge and eating a ham and cheese sandwich will give your sims a positive 4hr moodlet. Don't use a microwave though as eventually the bad moodlet from that will not countdown and so you will need to give your sims decent food to remove it.

Say you make a household and all of the sims in that household are accepted to the same university. Is there a way that you can make them all live together in a dorm/house on campus like you could in TS3 university pack, or do they have to live off campus?

I just finished sending a sim through university, and for the first time, she had the same roommates all the way through. Unfortunately. I didn't mind the Romantic guy and his different girlfriend every day, or the slob. The one I wished would go away was a female, with apparently 3 different roommate quirks. It was awesome that she brought food back all the time, I didn't really care about the note writing, but what really got old is that she was sad. All the time. Constantly moping and crying under the covers. She didn't have Gloomy, I don't know what it might have been related to.

Ok, I tried it. Yes, you can re-enroll for another degree. I only need 8 credits to graduate, however- I returned to the same university, and I'm also in a course that seems related to the first one- I have a degree in Fine Arts, now I'm going for Art History. I don't know if it being the same school and or a related degree affect the 4 credits I was spotted.

I must have sent a dozen sims through university before I started seeing one particular quirk or random event: a phone call from one of your room mates saying they've locked themselves out and could you please let them in. I played for MONTHS before I ever saw that, but since the first time, every sim who's lived in the dorms has had that happen. So was that patched in, or was it just totally random that I never saw it till later? One of those times, my sim was camping on the beach in Sulani, so she could harvest the local plants and plant them after university. Her room mate had a long wait...

After my sims graduates university they go home and then when they get back home the screen shows up as if the the objects are missing and when i went to town edit my sims wasn't there and i went back to the recent save and it keeps on doing the same thing.

I don't use any CC and my sim is returning home from university when this glitch happens. I have World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Seasons, Supernatural and University along with Diesel, Fast Lane and Master Suite.

Each university also has three organisations that are only open to students at that institution. Choosing to join these student societies and attend their events confers benefits such as gaining extra credit for associated classes; increasing skill development; and unlocking unique social interactions, clothing and decorative items, and free skill-building objects.

To apply to university, click on a computer and select 'University > Apply to Universities'. Your Sim's application will automatically be considered for all degree subjects by both University of Britechester and Foxbury Institute.

After one to two in-game days, your acceptance letter will arrive in your household mailbox, informing you of which degrees you have been accepted onto at each university. You can also check back in on your application status using the computer, which can potentially give you an earlier answer.

However, budding Pro Athletes and eSports Gamers should still consider enrolling in university, as participating in the Soccer Team Player and E-Sports Competitor extracurricular activities will respectively provide the same benefits as a degree for these careers.

Your Sim just needs to be enrolled at either university studying any degree in order to access these activities, which can be joined by "Searching for Job" on a phone - they're under the After School Activity category, and basically function like a part-time job (but unpaid, of course).

Aspiring Mixologists hoping that there are similar non-academic benefits to university are, unfortunately, out of luck. It seems that in the world of The Sims 4, Mixology is the only career that's considered a full-time vocation and yet not at all an academic pursuit.

Hint: To avoid your Sim getting hit with the 'Undistinguished' moodlet (which will boost the Sad emotional state), ensure that they're likely to meet the criteria for acceptance onto at least one distinguished degree before applying to university.

This will cause some loss of progress; but it will allow your Sim to start their university career right away regardless of their existing skills, and still earn their way onto a distinguished degree down the line.

You'll still come out with a degree that gives you a significant (though slightly smaller) head start in any associated careers; and though you might not find a student society quite so tailored to your interests at a university geared towards a different skill set, both schools have a Spirit organisation that can be enjoyed by anyone.

So if you're mainly interested in the social side of university life, or if you're quite content with the benefits you'll receive just from having graduated, there's no need to wait until you get onto a distinguished degree. Go ahead and enrol right away!

Whereas, President Robert Caslen authorized the creation of the Presidential Commission on University History, in order to study and better understand the history of the university, including histories of the people whose names are on its buildings, some of whom ardently supported the institution of slavery, owned enslaved persons, and/or held or expressed deeply racist views,

Degrees are university majors that highlight specific skills. There are thirteen possible degrees for Sims to earn. Whenever Sims enroll in a university, they are prompted to pick their degree, choose their classes, decide on lodging, and pay for the semester. Each degree requires twelve credits that are earned through classes. Sims can take a maximum of four courses and a minimum of one each semester.

Distinguished Degrees are more prestigious versions of the standard degrees and are not available to all Sims. Whenever a Sim applies to a university, their acceptance letter will contain which, if any, Distinguished Degrees they can enroll in. Distinguished Degrees are unlocked based on skill level and high school achievements. Those who graduate with a Distinguished Degree get better sign-on bonuses when they join a career.

It takes approximately three in-game days for Sims to receive their acceptance letter, or they can check its status online from their phone or computer. Once they do, they can enroll and choose their university and degree.

The Sims 2: University is an expansion pack for the 2004 life simulation video game The Sims 2, developed by Maxis and published by Electronic Arts. The first expansion pack for the game, it was released 1 March 2005. University introduces a new "young adult" life stage who live in separate college towns and attend university; with its dormitories, the expansion pack marks the first time in the Sims series where player sims are able to live with non-player characters. Sims who attend university gain access to new careers and interactions. University also introduces new items, interactions, and gameplay elements, such as the ability to bring deceased sims back to life, the ability to play musical instruments and use mobile phones, and the ability to turn sims into zombies. 0852c4b9a8

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