Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

Surrender to me does not mean to fret, to be upset, or to lose hope, nor does it mean offering to me a worried prayer asking me to follow you and change your worry into prayer. It is against this surrender, deeply against it, to worry, to be nervous and to desire to think about the consequences of anything.

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All of that surrendering has been great training for parenthood, for learning that no matter how much I plan and read and act, I actually have much less control than I would like over the two year old in my house, his behavior, and the person he will become.

The Mount of Olives where the garden stands has a perfect view of the opposite hill where Abraham laid Isaac on an altar and surrendered. It overlooks the city where Jesus was hung on a cross and surrendered his spirit and died the very next day after his prayer in the garden.

At the end of that night in the garden, when Peter went rogue and pulled a sword to try to start fighting the soldiers who came to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane, he had no idea that there was no reason to go into battle. It was already over. The surrender had already happened before those soldiers even showed up

Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

This prayer has helped me a lot. My dad was in hospital for a blood infection and I would say this prayer whenever i lost hope. This prayer sustained me during this difficult time. My dad is having blood tests this Tuesday and when i feel worried about it or anxious i say this prayer and it truly works. It is a powerful prayer. It is hard to surrender to the Lord but each time i say this prayer im surrendering a little bit more. Thank you for the post. God Bless!

Unfortunately, nothing can put people in bondage like religion, and we have a sad history of preachers and organizations that have used the teaching of surrender and submission to control, manipulate, and ultimately destroy people. So, it is apparent that a sound biblical understanding of surrender and submission is necessary if we are to experience the freedom that this truth can bring.

It is clear that the first enemy of the disciple or follower of Jesus is the self. When I surrender the lordship of my life to Jesus, I experience freedom. Freedom to not always be in charge, freedom to care more about others and their needs, freedom to not always be right, and freedom to trust Jesus to take care of me.

The call to surrender, or submit, to Jesus is step one in our sanctification, in our growth in holiness. To do this is to voluntarily put myself under Jesus for his leading in my life. It is a step of humility, to admit that I cannot save myself, or change myself, into the person Jesus wants me to be.

I surrender all. This is easy to say. But experientially have we done this? This is really giving all our life into His hands. This means we really know we were enemies of God. This is to trust God fully for our life. We must become a voluntary slave giving up our freedom and trusting in Him completely. Lord make me wholly thine. I surrender, I surrender. Make this real in my experience.

"O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything! These are the words that JESUS gave to Father Dolindo Ruotolo, a holy priest living in Naples, Italy (1882- 1970). They are the words repeated ten times at the end of each day of his SURRENDER NOVENA.

I heard about this NOVENA for the first time only last week as I was attending a Silent Retreat for Priests. It was given to me in spiritual direction as I met one on one with the Retreat Master. I had mentioned to him my own desire to surrender to God totally, to give myself totally to JESUS: TOTUS TUUS (Totally yours) through the Consecration to Jesus through Mary, the Consecration Prayer we repeat in our parish three times a year on the three major Marian Feasts: Immaculate Conception, Annunciation and Assumption (following the 33 days of consecration preparation by St Louis de Montfort).

Why do you confuse yourselves by worrying? Leave the care of your affairs to Me and everything will be peaceful. I say to you in truth that every act of true, blind, complete surrender to Me produces the effect that you desire and resolves all difficult situations.

As we prepare to enter in a new Lenten Season, may we all reflect on what it means to surrender to Jesus and how it can change our daily life. Why do we worry? Jesus is in charge! We are not! Jesus, help us to surrender to You! Jesus, do everything for us!

O Jesus, help me to do Your will, not mine! Help me to surrender to You! Whenever I face a challenging and difficult situation, help me to remember what you told Father Dolindo. Jesus, at the very moment of any major decision or worry, listen to my prayer: TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING as I surrender to You!

When we think about the word all, weintellectually know that it is an all-encompassing term. There is nothing leftout of the word all. However, intellectually recognizing it and actuallyfathoming what it means are two separate things, right? We can know that allmeans all, but when it comes to complete and total surrender, I think we forgetwhat the word all means. Or, instead offorgetting, we simply choose not to dwell on it for long enough to let it sinkin.

7: My money. 2Corinthians 9:6-7 shows that God has a special love for those who givecheerfully. Total surrender to Jesus means recognizing that everything I havebelongs to God. We are simply stewards, some with much and some with little.Regardless, we view our money as a means to bless others. We work so that wecan give to those in need. Total surrender means giving even our physicalblessings (back) to Jesus.

One thing that helps with surrender is learning that God is a safe space to relinquish our supposed control. I like to dwell on this comforting passage in Isaiah, it describes the continuous goodness of God.

Sometimes taking a look back at all the ways God has been ever present in my life, allows me to trust him with my present struggle and need. Dwelling on all of these consistent ways God has been safe to surrender in days past gives me the ability to surrender to him tomorrow.

Now, I have to say something very sobering even before I make some suggestions about how to move toward the enjoyment of this assurance that you are surrendered. This is very sobering. Let it sink in. None of us will ever get to a point in our Christian maturity where it is not possible, theoretically, to doubt the authenticity of our surrender. In other words, it is theoretically possible, no matter what you say or what you do, to think you might be a fake. You might not be totally surrendered, no matter what you have done.

I say things like that to the Lord regularly. I express my love to him, my allegiance to him, my trust. And then, very honestly, I admit to him that my heart is deceitful, there are hidden faults, and would he please kill in me all that is contrary to my confession of my surrender, and make me pure and truthful. You may be surprised how the verbal, out-loud declaration of your full surrender, full allegiance, and full trust intensifies the very thing you are affirming.

Surrender, as in surrendering to the Lord, is not found in Scripture. It is a military term. There are ideas and examples of surrender, but the word itself originated with the military. There are different forms of surrender, including conditional versus unconditional surrender.

At the Battle of Detroit during the War of 1812, the British, with indigenous tribes, surrounded the American fort. The American General realized there was no way to win and did not want to lose his men as well as his daughter and granddaughter who were inside the fort. Through surrender, everyone survived. No destruction, no pain, no suffering.

Unconditional surrender is trust, freedom, no control, reliance on someone else, totally letting go. Conditional surrender is on my terms. It is safe, predictable and controlled. It meets you halfway and tests a situation out first.

Jesus was obedient to God the Father. Everything we have is not for our advantage, even our skills and gifts. It all should be surrendered. Jesus knew the pain and suffering that he would endure, but it was all surrender to the will of God the Father. He surrendered himself to the will of humanity to do as they wished.

There is fear, but at that the moment of surrender to the river, fear gives way to the exhilaration of being carried by the water. Verses 10-12 show everywhere the water flows, there is abundant life. You can be touched by the river or be in the river. Surrender.

There is another option. God offers transformational change. Transformational change is about surrender, vulnerability, transparency, humility, and dependency. Transformational change, at its core, aims to destroy you, and if you are willing to pay that price, it will dismantle every part of you. Transformational change is messy and bloody. It hurts deep, and it will cost you everything. It is pulling all your junk out and laying it on the table for all to see and not caring what they think about you. Transformational change is committed not just to dealing with the symptoms of your issues, but to peeling back painful layer after painful layer of your past, your dysfunction, and your sin, until the core problem is exposed.

Transformational change is recognizing that on your best day, you are a failure and a sinner, and that your only hope is grace. Transformational change is knowing you can never try hard enough to overcome your desire to drink, cuss, lust, gorge, lie, and cheat. What you can do is surrender to the God of resurrection power, allowing Him not only to destroy you, but to also bring you back to life. To be brought back to life, one first must die. 0852c4b9a8

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