so I was working on this art, and tried to use the simple tone setting, using hard mix layer over the shading I was doing, which ended up looking pretty good as far as I was concerned, except when I zoom past 50% the dots don't show any difference of density, the difference don't show either if I try to save it as a png, and do not conserve the density when I merge the layers

The Equalizer in Audacity is an excellent and flexible way of adjusting the tone of a recording, but if you just want to quickly boost or cut the bass (low frequencies) or treble (high frequencies) it is possibly overly complicated.

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Stupidly Wonderful Tone Control 2A Simple Passive Tone Control for Effects PedalsThis is the basic layout of Mark Hammer's "Stupidly Wonderful Tone Control". It is an excellent idea and has numerous uses, especially on the output of fuzz pedals that have a lot of harmonics to be tamed. The idea is that the amount of high frequency rolloff is modified as the wiper is moved from left to right, while keeping the overall output volume at essentially the same level.This design works quite well but has one limitation in that the high frequencies will always have some amount of attenuation because of the R1/C1 low pass network. In circuits with an abundance of harmonics and overtones, as with distortions, this is perfecty acceptable, but for other uses, a different response may be needed.By moving the C1 capacitor, we have totally changed the response of the tone control circuit. With the wiper of R1 all the way to the right side, the frequency response is totally flat as if the capacitor is not in the circuit, which it isn't because the two ends of C1 are shorted together in that position. As the wiper is moved to the left end of the pot, proportional amounts of treble boost are added to the circuit.With the new "Stupidly Wonderful Tone Control 2", the volume always remains the same but the amount of treble is controlled from flat to boosted as the pot is adjusted. There never is a low frequency rolloff with this circuit.I used a similar tone output in one of my compressor designs. Compressors often have the effect of making the sound a bit muddy or less clear, and this tone control allows the user to dial a small amount of treble boost back into the signal to open the sound up. I would prefer Mark's design for fuzz and distortions and this new design for compressors and chorus pedals, or other circuit designs where a clear high end is desired.I recommend R1=50k and C1=0.022uF as starting values for this circuit.The next logical question is "How can we combine the two circuits?". After a bit of consideration, I found a way to accomplish this effect. By adding a single resistor and moving the position of the tone control potentiometer, I have made a tone control circuit that has a response that can be altered from high cut to high boost as the knob is turned. As with the previous "Stupidly Wonderful" circuits, the output resistance is constant so the volume does not vary as the tone control is adjusted.Suggested values for beginning experimentation are R1=10k, R2=47k, C1=0.022uF and 100k for the tone and volume pots.

As I see it, the tone curve adjustment is there and available when/if you just can't quite achieve what is needed with the basic adjustments. Sometimes I find I can get a much more pleasing effect with an S curve. Not always, but sometimes.

Basically, I think that is true. However, it's possible to be much more precise in making tonal adjustments using the tone curve in one finds it necessary to do so. Whether or not you find it beneficial or not is something you will have to evaluate for yourself. I have only begun to use the tone curve more frequently in recent weeks. It's something I think you'll just have to experiment with and decide.

I tend to see the tone curve as a "large adjustment" tool, while the Basic panel as more of a "small adjustment" tool. Keep in mind that this is probably more of a personal mindset than an accurate description of the tools.

The Highlights control applies processing that does things like try to reconstruct blown highlights in one channel by looking at highlight information in the other channels. Shadows also uses advanced techniques; it creates a mask to protect non-shadow tones (unlike the Tone Curve, where boosting shadows often reduces contrast too much in other ranges), and it applies additional processing to enhance shadow detail. You are not going to be able to use the Tone Curve to reproduce what Highlights and Shadows can do.

'The Highlights control applies processing that does things like try to reconstruct blown highlights in one channel by looking at highlight information in the other channels. Shadows also uses advanced techniques; it creates a mask to protect non-shadow tones (unlike the Tone Curve, where boosting shadows often reduces contrast too much in other ranges), and it applies additional processing to enhance shadow detail. '

For a recent project based on the ATtiny85 I wanted to play some simple tones through a piezoelectric speaker, but unfortunately the Arduino tone() function isn't supported on the ATtiny85 because it doesn't have the appropriate timers. I therefore needed to find a replacement way of generating simple tones.

There are several existing tone libraries for the ATtiny85, but they all seemed overcomplicated for what I wanted. This post describes my simple TinyTone() function which takes advantage of the ATtiny85's prescaler to provide a compact tone routine that only needs a table of 12 divisors.

Once you program Timer/Counter1 with a divisor and prescaler it continues to generate a tone on output 1 indefinitely, irrespective of what the program is doing. To create a note of a specified length we need to stop the counter when the duration has elapsed.

Did you know you can now easily share specific tones with others using simple links? For example, ifyou want to share a link for a 432Hz frequency, simply type the following into your address bar: =432. The number at the end of the URLrepresents the frequency so simply change this to whatever frequency you want.

You can easily generate the tone with a sine wave: the nth sample is given by A*sin(2*pi*n*f/R), where A is the amplitude (volume), f is the frequency in Hertz, and R is the sample rate in samples per second. For stereo sound, you generate two independent waves with different parameters.

You could use the beep function to generate tones but I am not sure how you would have one tone come from one channel and the other from another. The only thing I could think of is using two different threads each one calling the beep function but both tones would come out of both channels. Good Luck!

If you want to add to the created tone in other places, select a drawing tool such as a [Marker] or [Pen] and apply it with a color other than transparent. You can add the tone by drawing the desired parts.

An applied tone can be changed further through adjusting the detail settings such as tone density and tone shape that can be changed via the [Layer Properties] palette. Here are some of the frequently used settings.

These settings can be used to adjust the position of the halftone dots. Use X to move the dots horizontally and Y to move them vertically. This is convenient when needing to move the position of halftone dots or overlapping tones.

Figure below exhibits the circuit diagram of a basic passive tone control which might work fairly good given that the signal supplied to it is from a low source impedance and passes into a relatively high load impedance.

A passive tone-control network can be connected to the negative feedback loop of a linear amplifier, commonly an operational amplifier, to create an active tone-control circuit. But instead of attenuation, this circuit gives signal gain.

This is simply a passive tone control hooked up from the feedback circuit of a non-inverting op amp amplifier, along with an input buffer stage to ensure that the primary tone control circuit is operated through a appropriately low source impedance.

This offers a kind of inverted results, in which boost from the tone controls supplies increased feedback and decreased gain, while the cut from the controls offers reduced feedback and increased gain.

Referring to the two op amp tone control circuit, treble control VR1 delivers boost when its wiper is moved towards the C3 end of the rotation, or oppositely the cut is set when the control is rotated towards the C6 end.

The next concept explains a 3 channel tone control circuit, which can be used for generating bass and treble control responses and in addition to this, the circuit can be also used to produce presence control, or the mid frequency control.

The input music signal is applied through connector SK1 to the 1st op amp stage configured around IC1. This is wired as a non-inverting amplifier with a gain that is fixed through the ratio of resistors R3 and R1. For this 3 channel tone control circuit the gain is fixed at unity.

The noise and distortion levels involved in this transistorized tone control circuit tend to be incredibly low because of the massive amount of negative feedback utilized and due to the fact that the circuit is able to deal with output signal levels at many volts rms, without clipping.

This tone control circuit is somewhat easier than the typical Baxandall setup, however it is still able to provide a highly realistic performance. Pot RV1 is configured to adjust the bass range of the circuit while pot RV2 controls the treble control.

Needless to say the tone control circuit gain is inversely proportional to the feedback level. Meaning when a maximum feedback is generrated it corresponds to the highest possible cut and not a full boost. The tone control's current consumption not more than 1mA per supply volt.

A pair of 9-volt batteries can be used for supplying power to the assembled circuit while testing the prototype. This is a "constant-voltage" crossover, according to National Semiconductor, which indicates that the total of the bass and treble output voltages will be equal at all frequencies. A simple formula determines the crossover frequency: e24fc04721

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