Impact Chain

Current active initiative:


Poland - Belarus - Ukraine

Initiated on 20.12.2021


Giving warmth to refugees at the border between Poland & Belarus through targeted donations


Because many people are stuck there and freezing to death


We collect donations in Germany and transport them to aid organisations in Poland. Donations like tents, energy bars & sleeping bags

The impact?

Saving lives and solidarity with humanitarian organisations

How can I participate?

We collect donations in Germany and transport them to aid organizations in Poland. Donations like tents, PowerBars & Sleeping bags

1- Participation for people and organisations

Purchasing the required donations

Step 1

Collect or buy the required donations

(Humanitarian activists update this list based on current needs and shortages)

Small tents

(with red light to call for help)

(with red light to call for help)

Emergency blankets Preservation Cover (Tin)

Backpacks (70 liters)

USB charging cables with 3 heads

Thermal Blankets

Wood-fire cooking pots

Camping gas

Gas cartridges

Sleeping bags
(-12 degrees)

Thermal socks

Thick winter hats

High energy foods
(Energy Bars)

Anti-diarrhea tablets

Sleeping pads

Step 2

Send your donations to a collecting centre

We will provide you with the addresses of the collecting centres in Germany when you contact us on the numbers mentioned down the page

2- Participation for organisations

Required task: Send donations from Germany to Poland.

Sending the required donations from German warehouses to the warehouse of the Polish organisation "Grupa Granica" near the border*.

*There is no legal problem in delivering aid to this warehouse.

Currently, the Syrian Volunteers in Germany team are helping in this task.

How can organisations participate?

1- Be a local collecting centre for the donations or

2- Transport the donations from the collecting centres to the warehouse in Poland

All organisations in Europe are welcome to join the Impact Chain!

"This initiative will only succeed with the international teamwork of NGOs to form a strong supply chain for help"

The Polish activists, residents, and Grupa Granica will distribute donations to people stuck at the borderline

Every day, humanitarian activists and Polish residents deliver required donations from distribution warehouses to people stuck at the border. These heroes are taking the risk of being caught by the Polish authorities!

You can help by sharing the Border-Help Action

Share this campaign with friends and family to achieve bigger impact.

Maybe your share to the right person or organization will make hundreds of refugees warm!

Information regarding the Polish-Belarusian borders

Humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border. A report by Grupa Granica. You can also find the report on their website.

Grupa Granica is a gathering from different Polish humanitarian NGOs. It is the most active and trustworthy sourse of information regarding the situation on the borders.


Shortage of donations in Poland

There is a shortage of donations collected from Poland. Therefore, this initiative aims to expand the donation campaign to reach other countries such as Germany, where many people are willing to help but don't know how to.

Current situation

The latest news claims that the refugees will be forced to return home. Nevertheless, many of them are determined to cross the borders and not return. So they need support in the necessary things that will keep them alive in the deadly Polish winter.


The border-Help initiative is managed through the Impact Chain project, which aims to unite the efforts of organisations internationally to deliver aid in a faster and more significant way.

Contact us

To send the required donations

Faris Allahham (English - عربي - Deutsch)
+49 176 57794132 /

Ammar Dalloul (عربي - Deutsch)
+49 1590 1306824 /

Samer Sriwel (عربي - Deutsch)
+49 1575 9080824 /

To cooperate with the Impact Chain project as an organization

Anas Alakkad (English - عربي - Deutsch)
+491744927040 /

Melanie Brücken (English - Deutsch)
+49 160 6079133 /

Philippe Bchara (French - English)
+49 176 87987238 /

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