

We provide a database of taboo words, collected from different linguistic communities, along with their semantic characterization for six dimensions (valence, arousal, concreteness, age of acquisition, tabooness, offensiveness), covering 13 languages and 17 countries from all five permanently inhabited continents.

Download  the database and the paper.


ITABOO is a database containing ratings for taboo words in Italian on emotional dimensions – valence, arousal, and dominance – and semantic dimensions – imageability, familiarity, and concreteness. Data have been collected from 130 participants by means of online questionnaires. Emotional dimensions are also analyzed in relation to participants’ gender. In addition to providing a detailed emotional and semantic characterization of stimuli, ITABÙ is an essential tool for psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic research with taboo words.

Download  ITABOO.


EMoT is a Matlab package implementing a new methodology for modeling computer-mouse trajectories in a data-driven perspective. It allows researchers to analyse raw x-y trajectories in terms of dynamic and static components.

Movement features present in empirical trajectories, such as location, direction, and space exploration are extracted adopting an original entropy decomposition.

EMOT offers a robust methodology in case of noisy trajectories due to uneven movements of the cursor and can work with raw x-y trajectories registered with any recording software.

Download  EMoT and the paper.


Q2Stress is a new database for Italian. It includes multiple cues readers may use in assigning stress, such as type and token frequency of stress patterns as well as their distribution with respect to number of syllables, grammatical category, word beginnings, word endings, and consonant-vowel structures. Data for both adults and children are available. 

Q2Stress may help researchers to answer empirical as well as theoretical questions about stress assignment and stress-related issues, and to explore the orthography-to-phonology relation in reading. Q2Stress is designed as a user-friendly resource: it comes with scripts allowing researchers to explore and select their own stimuli according to several criteria as well as summary tables for overall data analysis.

Download the database and the paper.


STRESYL is a database for Italian containing information about syllables, syllabic structures, and stress. The database offers type and token measures relating stress information to syllable units, both in terms of syllable forms and syllabic structures. STRESYL can be a valuable tool to investigate the relation between syllables and stress in Italian. 

Download the database and the paper.